<?php namespace Drupal\eca_access\Plugin\ECA\Event; use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\eca\Attributes\Token; use Drupal\eca\Entity\Objects\EcaEvent; use Drupal\eca\Event\AccessEventInterface; use Drupal\eca\Event\Tag; use Drupal\eca\Plugin\ECA\Event\EventBase; use Drupal\eca_access\AccessEvents; use Drupal\eca_access\Event\CreateAccess; use Drupal\eca_access\Event\EntityAccess; use Drupal\eca_access\Event\FieldAccess; use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event; /** * Plugin implementation of ECA access events. * * @EcaEvent( * id = "access", * deriver = "Drupal\eca_access\Plugin\ECA\Event\AccessEventDeriver", * eca_version_introduced = "1.0.0" * ) */ class AccessEvent extends EventBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function definitions(): array { $definitions = []; $definitions['entity'] = [ 'label' => 'Determining entity access', 'event_name' => AccessEvents::ENTITY, 'event_class' => EntityAccess::class, 'tags' => Tag::RUNTIME | Tag::EPHEMERAL, ]; $definitions['field'] = [ 'label' => 'Determining entity field access', 'event_name' => AccessEvents::FIELD, 'event_class' => FieldAccess::class, 'tags' => Tag::RUNTIME | Tag::EPHEMERAL, ]; $definitions['create'] = [ 'label' => 'Determining entity create access', 'event_name' => AccessEvents::CREATE, 'event_class' => CreateAccess::class, 'tags' => Tag::RUNTIME | Tag::EPHEMERAL, 'eca_version_introduced' => '1.1.0', ]; return $definitions; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultConfiguration(): array { $is_field_event = $this->eventClass() === FieldAccess::class; $values = ($is_field_event ? ['field_name' => ''] : []) + [ 'entity_type_id' => '', 'bundle' => '', 'operation' => '', ] + parent::defaultConfiguration(); if ($this->eventClass() === CreateAccess::class) { unset($values['operation']); $values['langcode'] = ''; } return $values; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array { $is_field_event = $this->eventClass() === FieldAccess::class; $is_create_event = $this->eventClass() === CreateAccess::class; $form['account_token_info'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#markup' => $this->t('For any successor of this event, the account that asks for access is available under the <strong>[account]</strong> token. Example: <strong>[account:uid]</strong> provides the user ID of the account.'), '#weight' => 0, ]; if ($is_field_event) { $form['event_token_info'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#markup' => $this->t('Furthermore, following data of the event is available:<ul><li><strong>[event:operation]</strong> holds the requested operation, such as "view".</li><li><strong>[event:field]</strong> holds the machine name of the field.</li></ul>'), '#weight' => 1, ]; } elseif (!$is_field_event) { $form['event_token_info'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#markup' => $this->t('Furthermore, following data of the event is available:<ul><li><strong>[event:operation]</strong> holds the requested operation, such as "view".</li></ul>'), '#weight' => 1, ]; } $form['entity_type_id'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Restrict by entity type ID'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['entity_type_id'], '#description' => $this->t('Example: <em>node, taxonomy_term, user</em>'), '#weight' => 10, ]; $form['bundle'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Restrict by entity bundle'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['bundle'], '#description' => $this->t('Example: <em>article, tags</em>'), '#weight' => 20, ]; if (!$is_create_event) { $form['operation'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Restrict by operation'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['operation'], '#description' => $is_field_event ? $this->t('Example: <em>view, edit</em>') : $this->t('Example: <em>view, update, delete</em>'), '#weight' => 30, ]; } if ($is_field_event) { $form['field_name'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Restrict by field name'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['field_name'], '#description' => $this->t('Example: <em>title, body, field_myfield</em>'), '#weight' => 40, ]; } if ($is_create_event) { $form['langcode'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Restrict by language code'), '#default_value' => $this->configuration['langcode'], '#description' => $this->t('Example: <em>en</em>'), '#weight' => 40, ]; } return parent::buildConfigurationForm($form, $form_state); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void { parent::submitConfigurationForm($form, $form_state); $is_field_event = $this->eventClass() === FieldAccess::class; $is_create_event = $this->eventClass() === CreateAccess::class; $this->configuration['entity_type_id'] = $form_state->getValue('entity_type_id'); $this->configuration['bundle'] = $form_state->getValue('bundle'); if (!$is_create_event) { $this->configuration['operation'] = $form_state->getValue('operation'); } if ($is_field_event) { $this->configuration['field_name'] = $form_state->getValue('field_name'); } if ($is_create_event) { $this->configuration['langcode'] = $form_state->getValue('langcode'); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generateWildcard(string $eca_config_id, EcaEvent $ecaEvent): string { $configuration = $ecaEvent->getConfiguration(); $is_create_event = $this->eventClass() === CreateAccess::class; $wildcard = ''; $entity_type_ids = []; if (!empty($configuration['entity_type_id'])) { foreach (explode(',', $configuration['entity_type_id']) as $entity_type_id) { $entity_type_id = strtolower(trim($entity_type_id)); if ($entity_type_id !== '') { $entity_type_ids[] = $entity_type_id; } } } if ($entity_type_ids) { $wildcard .= implode(',', $entity_type_ids); } else { $wildcard .= '*'; } $wildcard .= ':'; $bundles = []; if (!empty($configuration['bundle'])) { foreach (explode(',', $configuration['bundle']) as $bundle) { $bundle = strtolower(trim($bundle)); if ($bundle !== '') { $bundles[] = $bundle; } } } if ($bundles) { $wildcard .= implode(',', $bundles); } else { $wildcard .= '*'; } if (!$is_create_event) { $wildcard .= ':'; $operations = []; if (!empty($configuration['operation'])) { foreach (explode(',', $configuration['operation']) as $operation) { $operation = trim($operation); if ($operation !== '') { $operations[] = $operation; } } } if ($operations) { $wildcard .= implode(',', $operations); } else { $wildcard .= '*'; } } $is_field_event = $this->eventClass() === FieldAccess::class; if ($is_field_event) { $wildcard .= ':'; $field_names = []; if (!empty($configuration['field_name'])) { foreach (explode(',', $configuration['field_name']) as $field_name) { $field_name = trim($field_name); if ($field_name !== '') { $field_names[] = $field_name; } } } if ($field_names) { $wildcard .= implode(',', $field_names); } else { $wildcard .= '*'; } } if ($is_create_event) { $wildcard .= ':'; $langcodes = []; if (!empty($configuration['langcode'])) { foreach (explode(',', $configuration['langcode']) as $langcode) { $langcode = trim($langcode); if ($langcode !== '') { $langcodes[] = $langcode; } } } if ($langcodes) { $wildcard .= implode(',', $langcodes); } else { $wildcard .= '*'; } } return $wildcard; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function appliesForWildcard(Event $event, string $event_name, string $wildcard): bool { $parts = explode(':', $wildcard); switch ($event_name) { case AccessEvents::ENTITY: case AccessEvents::FIELD: [$w_entity_type_ids, $w_bundles, $w_operations] = $parts; /** @var \Drupal\eca_access\Event\EntityAccess $event */ if (($w_entity_type_ids !== '*') && !in_array($event->getEntity()->getEntityTypeId(), explode(',', $w_entity_type_ids), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } if (($w_bundles !== '*') && !in_array($event->getEntity()->bundle(), explode(',', $w_bundles), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } if (($w_operations !== '*') && !in_array($event->getOperation(), explode(',', $w_operations), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } if ($event_name === AccessEvents::FIELD) { $w_field_names = end($parts); /** @var \Drupal\eca_access\Event\FieldAccess $event */ if (($w_field_names !== '*') && !in_array($event->getFieldName(), explode(',', $w_field_names), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } } break; case AccessEvents::CREATE: [$w_entity_type_ids, $w_bundles, $w_langcodes] = $parts; /** @var \Drupal\eca_access\Event\CreateAccess $event */ $event_context = $event->getContext(); if (($w_entity_type_ids !== '*') && !in_array($event_context['entity_type_id'], explode(',', $w_entity_type_ids), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } if (($w_bundles !== '*') && !in_array($event->getEntityBundle(), explode(',', $w_bundles), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } if (($w_langcodes !== '*') && !in_array($event_context['langcode'], explode(',', $w_langcodes), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Given event %s is not supported.", $event_name)); } // Initialize with a neutral result. /** @var \Drupal\eca\Event\AccessEventInterface $event */ $event->setAccessResult(AccessResult::neutral()); return TRUE; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ #[Token( name: 'event', description: 'The event.', properties: [ new Token(name: 'context', description: 'Contains a list of properties depending on the context of the event.', classes: [ CreateAccess::class, ]), new Token(name: 'entity_bundle', description: 'The bundle of the entity.', classes: [ CreateAccess::class, EntityAccess::class, ]), new Token(name: 'entity_id', description: 'The entity ID, only available if the entity is not new.', classes: [ EntityAccess::class, ]), new Token(name: 'entity_type', description: 'The entity type.', classes: [ EntityAccess::class, ]), new Token(name: 'field', description: 'The name of the field.', classes: [ FieldAccess::class, ]), new Token(name: 'operation', description: 'The operation with which the entity should be accessed, e.g. "view", "update", etc.', classes: [ EntityAccess::class, ]), new Token(name: 'uid', description: 'The ID of the user account of the event.', classes: [ AccessEventInterface::class, ]), ], )] protected function buildEventData(): array { $event = $this->event; $data = []; if ($event instanceof AccessEventInterface) { $data += [ 'uid' => $event->getAccount()->id(), ]; } if ($event instanceof EntityAccess) { $entity = $event->getEntity(); $data += [ 'operation' => $event->getOperation(), 'entity_type' => $entity->getEntityTypeId(), 'entity_bundle' => $entity->bundle(), ]; if (!$entity->isNew()) { $data['entity_id'] = $entity->id(); } } if ($event instanceof FieldAccess) { $data += [ 'field' => $event->getFieldName(), ]; } if ($event instanceof CreateAccess) { $data += [ 'context' => [], 'entity_bundle' => $event->getEntityBundle(), ]; $context = $event->getContext(); foreach ($context as $k => $v) { if (is_scalar($v)) { $data['context'][$k] = $v; } } if (isset($context['entity_type_id'])) { $data['entity_type'] = $context['entity_type_id']; } } $data += parent::buildEventData(); return $data; } }