# Condition plugin configuration. condition.plugin.association_type: type: condition.plugin mapping: entity_type_id: type: string mode: type: integer bundles: type: sequence sequence: type: string # association_type (bundle) configuration schema. association.type.*: type: config_entity label: 'Association type' mapping: id: type: string label: 'ID' label: type: label label: 'Label' uuid: type: uuid label: 'Globally unique ID' searchable: type: boolean label: 'Is associated content searchable' useTaskLabel: type: boolean label: 'Use the type label as the local task title' behavior: type: mapping label: 'Behavior plugin' mapping: id: type: string label: 'Association behavior plugin ID' config: type: association.behavior.[] label: 'Plugin configuration' landingPage: type: mapping label: 'Landing page plugin' mapping: id: type: string label: 'Association landing page plugin ID' config: type: association.landing_page.[] label: 'Plugin configuration' # Association type behavior plugin schemas. association.behavior.entity_list: type: mapping mapping: entity_types: type: sequence label: 'Entity types' sequence: type: sequence label: 'Bundles' sequence: type: string association.behavior.entity_manifest: type: mapping mapping: manifest: type: sequence label: 'Entity Manifest' sequence: type: mapping label: 'Recipe for associating entities' mapping: label: type: label label: 'Display name of the entity association' required: type: integer label: 'Required number instances' limit: type: integer label: 'The maximum number of instances' weight: type: integer label: 'The sorting of associated items' entity_types: type: sequence label: 'Allowed entity types' sequence: type: sequence label: 'Bundles' sequence: type: string # Association landing page plugin schemas. association.landing_page.none: type: mapping mapping: {} # Association landing page plugin schemas. association.landing_page.associated_entity: type: mapping mapping: tags: type: sequence label: Entity content tags that can be used as landing page sequence: type: string