<?php namespace Drupal\token; use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache; use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface; use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface; use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata; use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait; class TreeBuilder implements TreeBuilderInterface { use StringTranslationTrait; /** * @var \Drupal\token\Token */ protected $tokenService; /** * @var \Drupal\token\TokenEntityMapperInterface */ protected $entityMapper; /** * @var \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface */ protected $languageManager; /** * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface */ protected $cacheBackend; /** * Cache already built trees. * * @var array */ protected $builtTrees; public function __construct(TokenInterface $token_service, TokenEntityMapperInterface $entity_mapper, CacheBackendInterface $cache_backend, LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager) { $this->tokenService = $token_service; $this->entityMapper = $entity_mapper; $this->cacheBackend = $cache_backend; $this->languageManager = $language_manager; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildRenderable(array $token_types, array $options = []) { // Set default options. $options += [ 'global_types' => TRUE, 'click_insert' => TRUE, 'show_restricted' => FALSE, 'show_nested' => FALSE, 'recursion_limit' => 3, ]; $info = $this->tokenService->getInfo(); if ($options['global_types']) { $token_types = array_merge($token_types, $this->tokenService->getGlobalTokenTypes()); } $element = [ /*'#cache' => [ 'cid' => 'tree-rendered:' . hash('sha256', serialize(['token_types' => $token_types, 'global_types' => NULL] + $variables)), 'tags' => [Token::TOKEN_INFO_CACHE_TAG], ],*/ ]; // @todo Find a way to use the render cache for this. $tree_options = [ 'flat' => TRUE, 'restricted' => $options['show_restricted'], 'nested' => $options['show_nested'], 'depth' => $options['recursion_limit'], ]; $token_tree = []; foreach ($info['types'] as $type => $type_info) { if (!in_array($type, $token_types)) { continue; } $token_tree[$type] = $type_info; $token_tree[$type]['tokens'] = $this->buildTree($type, $tree_options); } $element += [ '#type' => 'token_tree_table', '#token_tree' => $token_tree, '#show_restricted' => $options['show_restricted'], '#show_nested' => $options['show_nested'], '#click_insert' => $options['click_insert'], '#columns' => ['name', 'token', 'description'], '#empty' => $this->t('No tokens available'), ]; return $element; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildAllRenderable(array $options = []) { $info = $this->tokenService->getInfo(); $token_types = array_keys($info['types']); // Disable merging in global types as we will be adding in all token types // explicitly. There is no difference in leaving this set to TRUE except for // an additional method call which is unnecessary. $options['global_types'] = FALSE; return $this->buildRenderable($token_types, $options); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildTree($token_type, array $options = []) { $options += [ 'restricted' => FALSE, 'depth' => 4, 'data' => [], 'values' => FALSE, 'flat' => FALSE, ]; // Do not allow past the maximum token information depth. $options['depth'] = min($options['depth'], static::MAX_DEPTH); // If $token_type is an entity, make sure we are using the actual token type. if ($entity_token_type = $this->entityMapper->getTokenTypeForEntityType($token_type)) { $token_type = $entity_token_type; } $langcode = $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); $tree_cid = "token_tree:{$token_type}:{$langcode}:{$options['depth']}"; // If we do not have this base tree in the static cache, check the cache // otherwise generate and store it in the cache. if (!isset($this->builtTrees[$tree_cid])) { if ($cache = $this->cacheBackend->get($tree_cid)) { $this->builtTrees[$tree_cid] = $cache->data; } else { $options['parents'] = []; $this->builtTrees[$tree_cid] = $this->getTokenData($token_type, $options); $this->cacheBackend->set($tree_cid, $this->builtTrees[$tree_cid], Cache::PERMANENT, [Token::TOKEN_INFO_CACHE_TAG]); } } $tree = $this->builtTrees[$tree_cid]; // If the user has requested a flat tree, convert it. if (!empty($options['flat'])) { $tree = $this->flattenTree($tree); } // Fill in token values. if (!empty($options['values'])) { $token_values = []; foreach ($tree as $token => $token_info) { if (!empty($token_info['dynamic']) || !empty($token_info['restricted'])) { continue; } elseif (!isset($token_info['value'])) { $token_values[$token_info['token']] = $token; } } if (!empty($token_values)) { $token_values = $this->tokenService->generate($token_type, $token_values, $options['data'], [], new BubbleableMetadata()); foreach ($token_values as $token => $replacement) { $tree[$token]['value'] = $replacement; } } } return $tree; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function flattenTree(array $tree) { $result = []; foreach ($tree as $token => $token_info) { $result[$token] = $token_info; if (isset($token_info['children']) && is_array($token_info['children'])) { $result += $this->flattenTree($token_info['children']); } } return $result; } /** * Generate a token tree. * * @param string $token_type * The token type. * @param array $options * An associative array of additional options. See documentation for * TreeBuilderInterface::buildTree() for more information. * * @return array * The token data for the specified $token_type. * * @internal */ protected function getTokenData($token_type, array $options) { $options += [ 'parents' => [], ]; $info = $this->tokenService->getInfo(); if ($options['depth'] <= 0 || !isset($info['types'][$token_type]) || !isset($info['tokens'][$token_type])) { return []; } $tree = []; foreach ($info['tokens'][$token_type] as $token => $token_info) { // Build the raw token string. $token_parents = $options['parents']; if (empty($token_parents)) { // If the parents array is currently empty, assume the token type is its // parent. $token_parents[] = $token_type; } // The 'entity' token will be repeated on nested entity reference fields. elseif ($token !== 'entity' && in_array($token, array_slice($token_parents, 1), TRUE)) { // Prevent duplicate recursive tokens. For example, this will prevent // the tree from generating the following tokens or deeper: // [comment:parent:parent] // [comment:parent:root:parent] continue; } $token_parents[] = $token; if (!empty($token_info['dynamic'])) { $token_parents[] = '?'; } $raw_token = '[' . implode(':', $token_parents) . ']'; $tree[$raw_token] = $token_info; $tree[$raw_token]['raw token'] = $raw_token; // Add the token's real name (leave out the base token type). $tree[$raw_token]['token'] = implode(':', array_slice($token_parents, 1)); // Add the token's parent as its raw token value. if (!empty($options['parents'])) { $tree[$raw_token]['parent'] = '[' . implode(':', $options['parents']) . ']'; } // Fetch the child tokens. if (!empty($token_info['type'])) { $child_options = $options; $child_options['depth']--; $child_options['parents'] = $token_parents; $tree[$raw_token]['children'] = $this->getTokenData($token_info['type'], $child_options); } } return $tree; } }