<?php namespace Drupal\smart_trim; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode; /** * @file * Contains trim functionality. * * As noted on * with some modifications to adhere to the Drupal Coding Standards. */ /** * This class basically truncates the HTML characters. */ class TruncateHTML { /** * Total characters. * * @var int */ protected int $charCount = 0; /** * Total words. * * @var int */ protected int $wordCount = 0; /** * Character / Word limit. * * @var int */ protected int $limit; /** * Element to start on. * * @var \DOMElement */ protected \DOMElement $startNode; /** * Ellipsis character. * * @var string */ protected string $ellipsis; /** * Did we find the breakpoint? * * @var bool */ protected bool $foundBreakpoint = FALSE; /** * Sets up object for use. * * @param string $html * Text to be prepared. * @param int $limit * Amount of text to return. * @param string $ellipsis * Characters to use at the end of the text. * * @return \DOMDocument * Prepared DOMDocument to work with. */ protected function init(string $html, int $limit, string $ellipsis): \DOMDocument { $dom = Html::load($html); // The body tag node, our html fragment is automatically wrapped in // a <html><body> etc. $this->startNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName("body")->item(0); $this->limit = $limit; $this->ellipsis = $ellipsis; $this->charCount = 0; $this->wordCount = 0; $this->foundBreakpoint = FALSE; $this->removeHtmlComments($dom); return $dom; } /** * Truncates HTML text by characters. * * @param string $html * Text to be updated. * @param int $limit * Amount of text to allow. * @param string $ellipsis * Characters to use at the end of the text. * * @return string * Resulting text. */ public function truncateChars(string $html, int $limit, string $ellipsis = '...'): string { if ($limit <= 0 || $limit >= mb_strlen(strip_tags($html))) { return $html; } $dom = $this->init($html, $limit, $ellipsis); // Pass the body node on to be processed. $this->domNodeTruncateChars($this->startNode); return Html::serialize($dom); } /** * Truncates HTML text by words. * * @param string $html * Text to be updated. * @param int $limit * Amount of text to allow. * @param string $ellipsis * Characters to use at the end of the text. * * @return string * Resulting text. */ public function truncateWords(string $html, int $limit, string $ellipsis = '...'): string { if ($limit <= 0 || $limit >= $this->countWords(strip_tags($html))) { return $html; } $dom = $this->init($html, $limit, $ellipsis); // Pass the body node on to be processed. $this->domNodeTruncateWords($this->startNode); return Html::serialize($dom); } /** * Truncates a DOMNode by character count. * * @param \DOMNode $domNode * Object to be truncated. */ protected function domNodeTruncateChars(\DOMNode $domNode): void { foreach ($domNode->childNodes as $node) { if ($this->foundBreakpoint) { return; } if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { $this->domNodeTruncateChars($node); } else { $text = html_entity_decode($node->nodeValue, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $length = mb_strlen($text); if (($this->charCount + $length) >= $this->limit) { // We have found our end point. $node->nodeValue = Unicode::truncate($text, $this->limit - $this->charCount, TRUE); $this->removeTrailingPunctuation($node); $this->removeProceedingNodes($node); $this->insertEllipsis($node); $this->foundBreakpoint = TRUE; return; } else { $this->charCount += $length; } } } } /** * Truncates a DOMNode by words. * * @param \DOMNode $domNode * Object to be truncated. */ protected function domNodeTruncateWords(\DOMNode $domNode): void { foreach ($domNode->childNodes as $node) { if ($this->foundBreakpoint) { return; } if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { $this->domNodeTruncateWords($node); } else { $cur_count = $this->countWords($node->nodeValue); if (($this->wordCount + $cur_count) >= $this->limit) { // We have found our end point. if ($cur_count > 1 && ($this->limit - $this->wordCount) < $cur_count) { // Note that PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE and UTF-8 is interesting. // preg_split() works on the string as an array of bytes therefore // in order to use its results we need to use non unicode aware // functions. // @see $words = preg_split("/[\n\r\t ]+/", $node->nodeValue, ($this->limit - $this->wordCount) + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); end($words); $last_word = prev($words); $node->nodeValue = substr($node->nodeValue, 0, $last_word[1] + strlen($last_word[0])); } $this->removeTrailingPunctuation($node); $this->removeProceedingNodes($node); $this->insertEllipsis($node); $this->foundBreakpoint = TRUE; return; } else { $this->wordCount += $cur_count; } } } } /** * Removes certain punctuation from the end of the node value. * * @param \DOMNode $domNode * Node to be altered. */ protected function removeTrailingPunctuation(\DOMNode $domNode): void { while (preg_match('/[\.,:;\?!…]$/u', $domNode->nodeValue)) { $domNode->nodeValue = mb_substr($domNode->nodeValue, 0, -1); } } /** * Removes preceding sibling node. * * @param \DOMNode $domNode * Node to be altered. */ protected function removeProceedingNodes(\DOMNode $domNode): void { $nextNode = $domNode->nextSibling; if ($nextNode !== NULL) { // Run in a while loop to prevent hitting the maximum recursion limit // when processing DOM elements with many children at the same level. while ($nextNode->nextSibling !== NULL) { $node = $nextNode; $nextNode = $nextNode->nextSibling; $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } $this->removeProceedingNodes($nextNode); $domNode->parentNode->removeChild($nextNode); } else { // Scan upwards till we find a sibling. $currentNode = $domNode->parentNode; while ($currentNode !== $this->startNode) { if ($currentNode->nextSibling !== NULL) { $currentNode = $currentNode->nextSibling; $this->removeProceedingNodes($currentNode); $currentNode->parentNode->removeChild($currentNode); break; } $currentNode = $currentNode->parentNode; } } } /** * Inserts the ellipsis character to the node. * * @param \DOMNode $domNode * Node to be altered. */ protected function insertEllipsis(\DOMNode $domNode): void { // HTML tags to avoid appending the ellipsis to. $avoid = ['a', 'strong', 'em', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5']; if (in_array($domNode->parentNode->nodeName, $avoid) && ($domNode->parentNode->parentNode !== NULL || $domNode->parentNode->parentNode !== $this->startNode)) { // Append as text node to parent instead. $textNode = new \DOMText($this->ellipsis); if ($domNode->parentNode->parentNode->nextSibling) { $domNode->parentNode->parentNode->insertBefore($textNode, $domNode->parentNode->parentNode->nextSibling); } else { $domNode->parentNode->parentNode->appendChild($textNode); } } else { // This allows unicode characters like \u2026 for ellipsis. $this->ellipsis = Html::escape(json_decode('"' . $this->ellipsis . '"')); // Append to current node. $domNode->nodeValue = rtrim($domNode->nodeValue) . $this->ellipsis; } } /** * Gets number of words in text. * * @param string $text * Text to be counted. * * @return int * Results */ protected function countWords(string $text): int { $words = preg_split("/[\n\r\t ]+/", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); return count($words); } /** * Removes all comment elements. * * @param \DOMNode $domNode * Node to be altered. */ protected function removeHtmlComments(&$domNode): void { $nodes = $domNode->childNodes; for ($i = 0; $i < $nodes->length; $i++) { $node = $nodes->item($i); if ($node->nodeName == '#comment') { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); // Since we just removed a child, decrement the counter. $i--; } if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { $this->removeHtmlComments($node); } } } }