
 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display a Smart Trimmed field.
 * Available variables:
 * - output: The trimmed text to output.
 * - is_trimmed: TRUE if the text was trimmed.
 * - wrap_output: If true, output will be wrapped in a <div>.
 *     Note: wrap_output is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
 *     Please override this template in your theme and apply any wrapping if
 *     required.
 * - wrapper_class: Class name for wrapper.
 * - more: Render array for "More" link.
 * - more_wrapper_class: Class name for more link wrapper.
 * - field: The name of he field being rendered.
 * - entity_type: The type of entity being rendered.
{% if wrap_output == true %}
  <div class="{{ wrapper_class }}">{{ output }}</div>
{% else %}
  {{ output }}
{% endif %}

{% if more != null %}
  <div class="{{ more_wrapper_class }}">{{ render_var(more) }}</div>
{% endif %}

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