<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\search_api_autocomplete\Kernel; use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase; use Drupal\search_api\Entity\Server; use Drupal\search_api_autocomplete\Entity\Search; use Drupal\search_api_autocomplete\Tests\TestsHelper; use Drupal\search_api_test\PluginTestTrait; use Drupal\views\Entity\View; /** * Tests dependency handling of the search entity. * * @group search_api_autocomplete */ class DependencyRemovalTest extends KernelTestBase { use PluginTestTrait; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected static $modules = [ 'entity_test', 'search_api_autocomplete', 'search_api_autocomplete_test', 'search_api', 'search_api_test', 'search_api_test_example_content', 'system', 'user', 'views', ]; /** * The autocomplete search entity used in this test. * * @var \Drupal\search_api_autocomplete\SearchInterface */ protected $search; /** * A config entity, to be used as a dependency in the tests. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface */ protected $dependency; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); // Do not use a batch for tracking the initial items after creating an // index when running the tests via the GUI. Otherwise, it seems Drupal's // Batch API gets confused and the test fails. if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { \Drupal::state()->set('search_api_use_tracking_batch', FALSE); } $this->installEntitySchema('entity_test_mulrev_changed'); $this->installEntitySchema('search_api_task'); $this->installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installSchema('search_api', ['search_api_item']); $this->installConfig('search_api'); $this->installConfig('search_api_autocomplete_test'); // Create our test search, but don't save it yet so individual tests can // still easily change the settings. $this->search = Search::create([ 'id' => 'search_api_autocomplete_test_view', 'label' => 'Test', 'status' => TRUE, 'index_id' => 'autocomplete_search_index', 'suggester_settings' => [ 'search_api_autocomplete_test' => [], ], 'search_settings' => [ 'views:search_api_autocomplete_test_view' => [], ], ]); // Use a search server as the dependency, since we have that available // anyways. The entity type should not matter at all, though. $this->dependency = Server::create([ 'id' => 'dependency', 'name' => 'Test dependency', 'backend' => 'search_api_test', ]); $this->dependency->save(); } /** * Tests that the dependency on the index works correctly. */ public function testIndexDependency() { $this->search->save(); $index = $this->search->getIndex(); // Verify that the dependency is included. $dependencies = $this->search->getDependencies(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('config', $dependencies); $this->assertContains($index->getConfigDependencyName(), $dependencies['config']); // Verify that deleting the index will also delete the search. $index->delete(); $search = Search::load($this->search->id()); $this->assertNull($search); } /** * Tests that the Views dependency works correctly for a search view. */ public function testViewsDependency() { $this->search->save(); $view = View::load('search_api_autocomplete_test_view'); // Verify that the dependencies are both included. $dependencies = $this->search->getDependencies(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('config', $dependencies); $this->assertContains($view->getConfigDependencyName(), $dependencies['config']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('module', $dependencies); $this->assertContains('views', $dependencies['module']); // Verify that deleting the view will also delete the search. $view->delete(); $search = Search::load($this->search->id()); $this->assertNull($search); } /** * Tests that a general search plugin dependency works correctly. * * @param bool $removable * TRUE if the search plugin's dependency should be removable, FALSE * otherwise. * * @dataProvider searchPluginDependencyDataProvider */ public function testSearchPluginDependency($removable) { $dependency_key = $this->dependency->getConfigDependencyKey(); $dependency_name = $this->dependency->getConfigDependencyName(); $this->search->set('search_settings', [ 'search_api_autocomplete_test' => [ 'dependencies' => [ $dependency_key => [$dependency_name], ], ], ]); $this->search->save(); $this->setReturnValue('search', 'onDependencyRemoval', $removable); // Verify that the dependencies are all included. $dependencies = $this->search->getDependencies(); $this->assertArrayHasKey($dependency_key, $dependencies); $this->assertContains($dependency_name, $dependencies[$dependency_key]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('module', $dependencies); $this->assertContains('search_api_autocomplete_test', $dependencies['module']); // Delete the dependency and verify that the result is as expected. $this->dependency->delete(); $search = Search::load($this->search->id()); if ($removable) { $this->assertNotNull($search); $dependencies = $search->getDependencies(); $dependencies += [$dependency_key => []]; $this->assertNotContains($dependency_name, $dependencies[$dependency_key]); } else { $this->assertNull($search); } } /** * Provides test data sets for testSearchPluginDependency(). * * @return array[] * An array of argument arrays for testSearchPluginDependency(). * * @see \Drupal\Tests\search_api_autocomplete\Kernel\DependencyRemovalTest::testSearchPluginDependency() */ public static function searchPluginDependencyDataProvider(): array { return [ 'soft dependency' => [TRUE], 'hard dependency' => [FALSE], ]; } /** * Tests that a suggester dependency works correctly. * * @param bool $removable * TRUE if the suggester's dependency should be removable, FALSE otherwise. * @param bool $second_suggester * TRUE if a second suggester, apart from the test suggester, should be * included in the search, FALSE otherwise. * * @dataProvider suggesterDependencyDataProvider */ public function testSuggesterDependency($removable, $second_suggester) { $dependency_key = $this->dependency->getConfigDependencyKey(); $dependency_name = $this->dependency->getConfigDependencyName(); $suggester_id = 'search_api_autocomplete_test'; $settings = [ $suggester_id => [ 'dependencies' => [ $dependency_key => [$dependency_name], ], ], ]; if ($second_suggester) { // Make the test backend support autocomplete so that the "Server" // suggester becomes available. $callback = [TestsHelper::class, 'getSupportedFeatures']; $this->setMethodOverride('backend', 'getSupportedFeatures', $callback); $callback = [TestsHelper::class, 'getAutocompleteSuggestions']; $this->setMethodOverride('backend', 'getAutocompleteSuggestions', $callback); $settings['server'] = []; } $this->search->set('suggester_settings', $settings); $this->search->save(); $this->setReturnValue('suggester', 'onDependencyRemoval', $removable); // Verify that the dependencies are all included. $dependencies = $this->search->getDependencies(); $this->assertArrayHasKey($dependency_key, $dependencies); $this->assertContains($dependency_name, $dependencies[$dependency_key]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('module', $dependencies); $this->assertContains('search_api_autocomplete_test', $dependencies['module']); // Delete the dependency and verify that the result is as expected. $this->dependency->delete(); $search = Search::load($this->search->id()); $this->assertNotNull($search); $this->assertEquals($removable || $second_suggester, $search->status()); $dependencies = $search->getDependencies(); $dependencies += [$dependency_key => []]; $this->assertNotContains($dependency_name, $dependencies[$dependency_key]); $this->assertEquals($removable, $search->isValidSuggester($suggester_id)); } /** * Provides test data sets for testSuggesterDependency(). * * @return array[] * An array of argument arrays for testSuggesterDependency(). * * @see \Drupal\Tests\search_api_autocomplete\Kernel\DependencyRemovalTest::testSuggesterDependency() */ public static function suggesterDependencyDataProvider(): array { return [ 'soft dependency, one suggester' => [TRUE, FALSE], 'hard dependency, one suggester' => [FALSE, FALSE], 'soft dependency, two suggesters' => [TRUE, TRUE], 'hard dependency, two suggesters' => [FALSE, TRUE], ]; } }