search_api_autocomplete.settings: type: config_object label: 'Search API Autocomplete settings' mapping: enable_custom_scripts: type: boolean label: 'Enable the use of custom scripts as autocomplete callbacks'*: type: config_entity label: 'Autocomplete search' mapping: id: type: string label: 'ID' label: type: string label: 'Label' index_id: type: string label: 'Index ID' suggester_settings: type: sequence label: 'Suggester settings' sequence: type: plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_suggester.[%key] label: 'The configuration for a single suggester' suggester_weights: type: sequence label: 'Suggester weights' sequence: type: integer label: 'The weight for a single suggester' suggester_limits: type: sequence label: 'Suggester limits' sequence: type: integer label: 'The limit for a single suggester' search_settings: type: sequence label: 'Search plugin settings' sequence: type: plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_search.[%key] label: 'The configuration for the search entity''s search plugin' options: type: mapping label: 'Options' mapping: limit: type: integer label: 'Maximum number of suggestions' min_length: type: integer label: 'The minimum length of user input to trigger autocomplete' show_count: type: boolean label: 'Whether to show a predicted result count for suggestions' delay: type: integer label: 'The delay for triggering autocomplete after the user stopped typing' submit_button_selector: type: string label: 'A jQuery selector for finding the submit button in the search form' autosubmit: type: boolean label: 'Whether to automatically submit the search form when a suggestion is selected' plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_suggester.*: type: mapping plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_suggester.custom_script: type: mapping mapping: path: type: string label: 'The path or URI of the custom autocomplete script' plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_suggester.server: type: mapping mapping: fields: type: sequence label: 'The fields to use for autocompletion' sequence: type: string plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_suggester.live_results: type: mapping mapping: fields: type: sequence label: 'The fields to use for searching' sequence: type: string highlight: type: mapping mapping: enabled: type: boolean label: 'Whether to replace live results with a highlighted field' field: type: string label: 'The field to replace the live result' suggest_keys: type: boolean label: 'Whether to suggest keywords instead of result links' view_modes: type: sequence label: 'The view modes to use for displaying results' sequence: type: sequence label: 'The view modes to use for displaying results of a certain type' sequence: type: string label: 'The view mode to use for displaying results of a certain bundle' plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_search.*: type: mapping plugin.plugin_configuration.search_api_autocomplete_search.views:*: type: mapping mapping: displays: type: mapping label: 'Displays' mapping: default: type: boolean label: 'Whether to exclude (TRUE) or include (FALSE) the selected Views displays.' selected: type: sequence label: 'The selected Views displays' sequence: type: string label: 'A Views display machine name'