<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\Unit\migrate; use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface; use Drupal\paragraphs\MigrationPluginsAlterer; use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase; /** * Tests the MigrationPluginsAlterer service. * * @todo Cover every method. * * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\paragraphs\MigrationPluginsAlterer * * @group paragraphs */ class MigrationPluginsAltererTest extends UnitTestCase { /** * The migration plugin alterer. * * @var \Drupal\paragraphs\MigrationPluginsAlterer */ protected $paragraphsMigrationPluginsAlterer; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $logger_channel = $this->createMock('Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelInterface'); $logger_factory = $this->createMock('Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface'); $logger_factory->expects($this->atLeastOnce()) ->method('get') ->with('paragraphs') ->willReturn($logger_channel); $this->paragraphsMigrationPluginsAlterer = new MigrationPluginsAlterer($logger_factory); } /** * Tests that migration processes are transformed to an array of processors. * * @dataProvider providerParagraphsMigrationPrepareProcess * @covers ::paragraphsMigrationPrepareProcess */ public function testParagraphsMigrationPrepareProcess(array $input, array $expected) { ['process' => $process, 'property' => $property] = $input; $success = $this->paragraphsMigrationPluginsAlterer->paragraphsMigrationPrepareProcess($process, $property); $this->assertSame($expected['return'], $success); $this->assertEquals($expected['process'], $process); } /** * Provides data and expected results for testing the prepare process method. * * @return array[] * Data and expected results. */ public static function providerParagraphsMigrationPrepareProcess() { return [ // Missing property (no change). [ 'input' => [ 'process' => [ 'catname' => 'Picurka', 'wont/touch' => 'this', ], 'property' => 'missing', ], 'expected' => [ 'return' => FALSE, 'process' => [ 'catname' => 'Picurka', 'wont/touch' => 'this', ], ], ], // Existing string property. [ 'input' => [ 'process' => [ 'catname' => 'Picurka', 'wont/touch' => 'this', ], 'property' => 'catname', ], 'expected' => [ 'return' => TRUE, 'process' => [ 'catname' => [ [ 'plugin' => 'get', 'source' => 'Picurka', ], ], 'wont/touch' => 'this', ], ], ], // Single process plugin. [ 'input' => [ 'process' => [ 'cat' => [ 'plugin' => 'migration_lookup', 'migration' => 'cats', 'source' => 'cat_id', ], ], 'property' => 'cat', ], 'expected' => [ 'return' => TRUE, 'process' => [ 'cat' => [ [ 'plugin' => 'migration_lookup', 'migration' => 'cats', 'source' => 'cat_id', ], ], ], ], ], // Array of process plugins (no change). [ 'input' => [ 'process' => [ 'catname' => [ [ 'plugin' => 'migration_lookup', 'migration' => 'cats', 'source' => 'cat_id', ], [ 'plugin' => 'extract', 'index' => ['name'], ], [ 'plugin' => 'callback', 'callable' => 'ucfirst', ], ], ], 'property' => 'catname', ], 'expected' => [ 'return' => TRUE, 'process' => [ 'catname' => [ [ 'plugin' => 'migration_lookup', 'migration' => 'cats', 'source' => 'cat_id', ], [ 'plugin' => 'extract', 'index' => ['name'], ], [ 'plugin' => 'callback', 'callable' => 'ucfirst', ], ], ], ], ], // Invalid type. [ 'input' => [ 'process' => [ 'invalid' => (object) [ [ 'not a' => 'kitten', ], ], ], 'property' => 'invalid', ], 'expected' => [ 'return' => FALSE, 'process' => [ 'invalid' => (object) [ [ 'not a' => 'kitten', ], ], ], ], ], ]; } }