<?php namespace Drupal\murmurations\Plugin\Murmurations; use Drupal\murmurations\Plugin\Murmurations\PluginBase; use Drupal\murmurations\Attribute\Murmurations; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\Url; use Drupal\Core\Link; use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup; use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup; use Drupal\Component\Plugin\ConfigurableInterface; /** * Shares the site data as murmurations Organisation schema */ #[Murmurations( id: 'organisation', label: new TranslatableMarkup('Organisation'), schema: 'organizations_schema-v1.0.0', profile_path: 'organisation.json', config: 'murmurations.site_profile', default_aggregator: '' )] class Organisation extends PluginBase implements ConfigurableInterface { const NODE_TYPES = [ "co-op", "social enterprise", "community", "ecovillage", "alliance", "network", "federation", "farm", "school" ]; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ function needed() : string { $needed_fields = []; $message = ''; $required = ['tags', 'node_types']; foreach($required as $f) { if (!$this->configFactory->get('murmurations.site_profile')->get($f)) { $needed_fields[] = $f; } } return $needed_fields ? t('The following fields must be populated: @fields.', ['@fields' => implode(', ', $needed_fields)]) : ''; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ function getProfile() : array { global $base_url; // todo inherit some of these properties? $siteProfile = $this->configFactory->get('murmurations.site_profile'); $values = parent::getprofile() + [ 'name' => $this->configFactory->get('')->get('name'), 'tagline' => $this->configFactory->get('')->get('slogan'), 'mission' => $siteProfile->get('mission'), 'node_types' => implode(',', array_values($siteProfile->get('node_types'))), 'location' => $siteProfile->get('location'), 'logo' => $base_url . theme_get_setting('logo.url'), 'networks' => $siteProfile->get('networks'), 'allies' => $siteProfile->get('allies'), 'tags' => explode(',',$siteProfile->get('tags')), 'feed' => $siteProfile->get('feed'), ]; return $values; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function defaultConfiguration() { return [ 'mission' => '', 'node_types' => [], 'location' => '', 'networks' => '', 'allies' => '', 'tags' => '', 'feed' => '' ]; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ function configForm() : array { $profile_path = $this->getPluginDefinition()['profile_path']; // We don't have a way to intervene after the config is saved, but it will // probably rebuild the page anyway. // @todo this feels very wrong. try { \Drupal::service('murmurations.index')->reindex($profile_path); } catch(\Exception $e){} $profile_url = Url::fromUserInput('/'.$profile_path, ['absolute' => TRUE]); $config = (object)$this->getConfiguration(); $node_types = array_combine(SELF::NODE_TYPES, SELF::NODE_TYPES); array_walk($node_types, function (&$val){ $val= ucfirst($val); }); $form['link'] = [ '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('show schema'), '#markup' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($profile_url->toString(), $profile_url)->toString() ]; $form['mission'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Mission'), '#description' => $this->t("The mission, purpose, or objective of your project or organisation"), '#required' => FALSE, '#type' => 'textarea', '#element_validate' => [[$this, 'max1000']], '#weight' => 1, '#default_value' => $config->mission, ]; $form['node_types'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Organisation or project types'), '#description' => $this->t("Examples: co-op, farm, school, community, NGO, etc"), '#required' => TRUE, '#type' => 'select', '#multiple' => TRUE, '#options' => $node_types, '#weight' => 2, '#default_value' => $config->node_types, ]; $form['location'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Location'), '#description' => $this->t("The name of a place, e.g. Inverness, Scotland."), '#required' => FALSE, '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 1000, '#element_validate' => [[$this, 'max1000']], '#weight' => 3, '#default_value' => $config->location, ]; $form['networks'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Networks'), '#description' => $this->t("What networks does this organisation or project belong to?"), '#required' => FALSE, '#type' => 'textfield', '#weight' => 6, '#default_value' => $config->networks, ]; $form['allies'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Allied projects'), '#description' => $this->t("Enter the website addresses of allied organisations or projects (comma separated)"), '#required' => FALSE, '#type' => 'textfield', '#weight' => 7, '#default_value' => $config->allies, ]; $form['tags'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Tags'), '#description' => $this->t("The most common tags you use to describe your sector or topic (comma separated)"), '#required' => TRUE, '#type' => 'textfield', '#weight' => 7, '#default_value' => $config->tags, ]; $form['feed'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('RSS feed URL'), '#description' => $this->t('If you publish news or content using the RSS format.'), '#required' => FALSE, '#type' => 'textfield', '#weight' => 8, '#default_value' => $config->feed, ]; return $form; } /** * Element validation callback. * * @param type $element * @param FormStateInterface $form_state */ public function max1000(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state) { if (strlen($element['#value']) > 1000) { $form_state->setError($element, $this->t('Max 1000 chars')); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ function renderResult(\stdClass $result) : Markup { return Markup::create(print_r($result, 1)); } /** * Alter the search form to suit the murmurations schema. * * @param array $form * @param FormStateInterface $form_state * @param array $defaults * * @todo Declare this in an interface which would be optional. */ function filterFormAlter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, array $defaults) { // NB search form not provided. } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ function filterFormValues(array $values) : array { return []; } }