<?php namespace Drupal\google_tag\Form; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; /** * Defines shared routines for the container and settings forms. */ trait GoogleTagManagerSettingsTrait { /** * Fieldset builder for the container settings form. */ public function gtmAdvancedFieldset(array $advanced_settings, string $gtmId) { // Build form elements. $fieldset = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => $this->t('Google Tag Manager: %gtmid', ['%gtmid' => $gtmId]), '#group' => 'advanced_settings', '#tree' => TRUE, ]; $fieldset['data_layer'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Data layer'), '#description' => $this->t('The name of the data layer. Default value is "dataLayer". In most cases, use the default.'), '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['data_layer'] ?? 'dataLayer', '#placeholder' => 'dataLayer', '#required' => TRUE, ]; $fieldset['include_classes'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Add classes to the data layer'), '#description' => $this->t('If checked, then the listed classes will be added to the data layer.'), '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['include_classes'] ?? FALSE, ]; $description = $this->t('The types of tags, triggers, and variables <strong>allowed</strong> on a page. Enter one class per line. For more information, refer to the <a href="">developer documentation</a>.'); $fieldset['allowlist_classes'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => $this->t('Allowed classes'), '#description' => $description, '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['allowlist_classes'] ?? '', '#rows' => 5, '#states' => $this->statesArray('advanced_settings[gtm][' . $gtmId . '][include_classes]'), ]; $fieldset['blocklist_classes'] = [ '#type' => 'textarea', '#title' => $this->t('Blocked classes'), '#description' => $this->t('The types of tags, triggers, and variables <strong>forbidden</strong> on a page. Enter one class per line.'), '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['blocklist_classes'] ?? '', '#rows' => 5, '#states' => $this->statesArray('advanced_settings[gtm][' . $gtmId . '][include_classes]'), ]; $fieldset['include_environment'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $this->t('Include an environment'), '#description' => $this->t('If checked, then the applicable snippets will include the environment items below. Enable <strong>only for development</strong> purposes.'), '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['include_environment'] ?? FALSE, ]; $description = $this->t('The environment ID to use with this website container. To get an environment ID, <a href="">select Environments</a>, create an environment, then click the "Get Snippet" action. The environment ID and token will be in the snippet.'); $fieldset['environment_id'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Environment ID'), '#description' => $description, '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['environment_id'] ?? '', '#placeholder' => 'env-x', '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 7, '#states' => $this->statesArray('advanced_settings[gtm][' . $gtmId . '][include_environment]'), ]; $fieldset['environment_token'] = [ '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => $this->t('Environment token'), '#description' => $this->t('The authentication token for this environment.'), '#default_value' => $advanced_settings['environment_token'] ?? '', '#placeholder' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', '#size' => 20, '#maxlength' => 25, '#states' => $this->statesArray('advanced_settings[gtm][' . $gtmId . '][include_environment]'), ]; return $fieldset; } /** * Returns states array for a form element. * * @param string $variable * The name of the form element. * * @return array * The states array. */ public function statesArray($variable) { return [ 'required' => [ ':input[name="' . $variable . '"]' => ['checked' => TRUE], ], 'invisible' => [ ':input[name="' . $variable . '"]' => ['checked' => FALSE], ], ]; } /** * Validates GTM form values. */ public function validateGtmFormValues(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Trim the text values. $advanced_values = $form_state->getValue('advanced_settings'); if (!is_array($advanced_values) || !isset($advanced_values['gtm']) || !is_array($advanced_values['gtm'])) { return; } foreach ($advanced_values['gtm'] as $gtm_id => $settings) { // Skip if $settings is not an array. if (!is_array($settings)) { continue; } $environment_id = trim($settings['environment_id']); $advanced_values['gtm'][$gtm_id]['data_layer'] = trim($settings['data_layer']); $advanced_values['gtm'][$gtm_id]['allowlist_classes'] = $this->cleanText($settings['allowlist_classes']); $advanced_values['gtm'][$gtm_id]['blocklist_classes'] = $this->cleanText($settings['blocklist_classes']); if (!empty($advanced_values['gtm'][$gtm_id]['include_environment']) && !preg_match('/^env-\d{1,}$/', $environment_id)) { $form_state->setError($form['advanced_settings']['gtm'][$gtm_id]['environment_id'], $this->t('A valid environment ID is case sensitive and formatted like env-x.')); } } $form_state->setValue('advanced_settings', $advanced_values); } /** * Cleans a string representing a list of items. * * @param string $text * The string to clean. * @param string $format * The final format of $text, either 'string' or 'array'. * * @return string * The clean text. */ public function cleanText($text, $format = 'string') { $text = explode("\n", $text); $text = array_map('trim', $text); $text = array_filter($text, 'trim'); if ($format === 'string') { $text = implode("\n", $text); } return $text; } }