<?php namespace Drupal\global_gateway_country\Plugin\RegionNegotiation; use Drupal\global_gateway\RegionNegotiationTypeBase; use Drupal\user\Entity\User; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; /** * Class RegionNegotiationByUserField. * * Country detection method which sets the default value using a value from * the field of current User entity. * Field name is specified in method configuration form. * * @RegionNegotiation( * id = "user_field", * weight = -5, * name = @Translation("By user field value"), * description = @Translation("Use region code from users field."), * config_route_name = "global_gateway_country.negotiation_by_user_field" * ) * * @package Drupal\global_gateway_country\Plugin\RegionNegotiation */ class RegionNegotiationByUserField extends RegionNegotiationTypeBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getRegionCode(Request $request = NULL) { // Get field name specified in detection method config form. $field_name = $this->get('user_field_name'); /** @var \Drupal\user\Entity\User $user */ // Load the current user entity. $user = User::load(\Drupal::currentUser()->id()); // Ensure we have specified field in current entity. if (!$user->hasField($field_name)) { return FALSE; } $field = $user->get($field_name); // Return region code if exist, false otherwise. return !$field->isEmpty() ? $field->get(0)->getValue()['value'] : FALSE; } }