

namespace Drupal\farm_location\EventSubscriber;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface;
use Drupal\farm_location\AssetLocationInterface;
use Drupal\farm_location\LogLocationInterface;
use Drupal\farm_geo\Traits\WktTrait;
use Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface;
use Drupal\log\Event\LogEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

 * Populate log geometry and invalidate asset cache on movement logs.
class LogEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {

  use WktTrait;

   * The name of the log asset field.
   * @var string
  const LOG_FIELD_ASSET = 'asset';

   * Log location service.
   * @var \Drupal\farm_location\LogLocationInterface
  protected LogLocationInterface $logLocation;

   * Asset location service.
   * @var \Drupal\farm_location\AssetLocationInterface
  protected AssetLocationInterface $assetLocation;

   * Cache tag invalidator service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface
  protected CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $cacheTagsInvalidator;

   * LogEventSubscriber Constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\farm_location\LogLocationInterface $log_location
   *   Log location service.
   * @param \Drupal\farm_location\AssetLocationInterface $asset_locaiton
   *   Asset location service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $cache_tags_invalidator
   *   Cache tag invalidator service.
  public function __construct(LogLocationInterface $log_location, AssetLocationInterface $asset_locaiton, CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $cache_tags_invalidator) {
    $this->logLocation = $log_location;
    $this->assetLocation = $asset_locaiton;
    $this->cacheTagsInvalidator = $cache_tags_invalidator;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @return array
   *   The event names to listen for, and the methods that should be executed.
  public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    return [
      LogEvent::DELETE => 'logDelete',
      LogEvent::PRESAVE => 'logPresave',

   * Perform actions on log delete.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Event\LogEvent $event
   *   The log event.
  public function logDelete(LogEvent $event) {

   * Perform actions on log presave.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Event\LogEvent $event
   *   The log event.
  public function logPresave(LogEvent $event) {

    // Get the log entity from the event.
    $log = $event->log;

    // Populate the log geometry from the location geometry.

    // Invalidate asset caches when assets are moved.

   * Populate a log's geometry based on its location.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface $log
   *   The Log entity.
  protected function populateGeometryFromLocation(LogInterface $log): void {

    // Load location assets referenced by the log.
    $assets = $this->getLocationAssets($log);

    // If the log does not reference any location assets, we will have nothing
    // to copy from, so do nothing.
    if (empty($assets)) {

    // If this is a new log and it has a geometry, do nothing.
    if (empty($log->original) && $this->logLocation->hasGeometry($log)) {

    // If this is an update to an existing log, and the new geometry is not
    // empty, perform some checks to see if we should proceed or not. We always
    // want to proceed if the updated log's geometry is empty because this is
    // an indication that it was cleared manually by the user in order to
    // re-populate it.
    if (!empty($log->original) && $this->logLocation->hasGeometry($log)) {

      // If the original log has a custom geometry, do nothing.
      if ($this->hasCustomGeometry($log->original)) {

      // If the geometry has changed, do nothing.
      $old_geometry = $this->logLocation->getGeometry($log->original);
      $new_geometry = $this->logLocation->getGeometry($log);
      if ($old_geometry != $new_geometry) {

    // Get the combined location asset geometry.
    $wkt = $this->getCombinedAssetGeometry($assets);

    // If the WKT is not empty, set the log geometry.
    if (!empty($wkt)) {
      $this->logLocation->setGeometry($log, $wkt);

   * Check if a log has a custom geometry.
   * This is determined by checking to see if the log's geometry matches that
   * of the location assets it references. If it does not, and it is not empty,
   * them we assume it has a custom geometry.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface $log
   *   The Log entity.
   * @return bool
   *   Returns TRUE if it matches, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function hasCustomGeometry(LogInterface $log): bool {

    // If the log's geometry is empty, then it does not have a custom geometry.
    if (!$this->logLocation->hasGeometry($log)) {
      return FALSE;

    // Load location assets referenced by the log.
    $assets = $this->getLocationAssets($log);

    // Get the combined location asset geometry.
    $location_geometry = $this->getCombinedAssetGeometry($assets);

    // Get the log geometry.
    $log_geometry = $this->logLocation->getGeometry($log);

    // Compare the log and location geometries.
    return $log_geometry != $location_geometry;

   * Get location assets referenced by the log.
   * This will first check for assets in the location reference field. If none
   * are found, it will also look for location assets in the asset reference
   * field.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface $log
   *   The Log entity.
   * @return \Drupal\asset\Entity\AssetInterface[]
   *   An array of location assets.
  protected function getLocationAssets(LogInterface $log) {

    // Load location assets referenced by the log.
    $assets = $this->logLocation->getLocation($log);

    // If there are no assets in the location reference field, look for location
    // assets in the asset reference field. Only do this if the log is not a
    // movement, otherwise it would be impossible to clear the geometry of a
    // non-fixed location asset via movement Logs.
    if (empty($assets) && !$log->get('is_movement')->value) {
      foreach ($log->{static::LOG_FIELD_ASSET}->referencedEntities() as $asset) {
        if ($this->assetLocation->isLocation($asset)) {
          $assets[] = $asset;

    return $assets;

   * Load a combined set of location asset geometries.
   * @param \Drupal\asset\Entity\AssetInterface[] $assets
   *   An array of location assets.
   * @return string
   *   Returns a WKT string of the combined asset geometries.
  protected function getCombinedAssetGeometry(array $assets): string {

    // Collect all the location geometries.
    $geoms = [];
    foreach ($assets as $asset) {
      if ($this->assetLocation->hasGeometry($asset)) {
        $geoms[] = $this->assetLocation->getGeometry($asset);

    // Combine the geometries into a single WKT string.
    $wkt = $this->combineWkt($geoms);

    return $wkt;

   * Invalidate asset caches when assets are moved.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface $log
   *   The Log entity.
  protected function invalidateAssetCacheOnMovement(LogInterface $log): void {

    // Keep track if we need to invalidate the cache of referenced assets so
    // the computed 'location' and 'geometry' fields are updated.
    $update_asset_cache = FALSE;

    // If the log is a 'done' movement log, invalidate the cache.
    if ($this->isActiveMovementLog($log)) {
      $update_asset_cache = TRUE;

    // If updating an existing 'done' movement log, invalidate the cache.
    // This catches any movement logs changing from done to pending.
    if (!empty($log->original) && $this->isActiveMovementLog($log->original)) {
      $update_asset_cache = TRUE;

    // If an update is not necessary, bail.
    if (!$update_asset_cache) {

    // Build a list of cache tags.
    // @todo Only invalidate cache if the movement log changes the asset's current location. This might be different for each asset.
    $tags = [];

    // Include assets that were previously referenced.
    if (!empty($log->original)) {
      foreach ($log->original->get('asset')->referencedEntities() as $asset) {
        array_push($tags, ...$asset->getCacheTags());

    // Include assets currently referenced by the log.
    foreach ($log->get('asset')->referencedEntities() as $asset) {
      array_push($tags, ...$asset->getCacheTags());

    // Invalidate the cache tags.

   * Helper method to check if a log is an active movement log.
   * @param \Drupal\log\Entity\LogInterface $log
   *   The Log entity.
   * @return bool
   *   Boolean indicating if the log is an active movement log.
  public static function isActiveMovementLog(LogInterface $log): bool {
    return $log->get('status')->value == 'done' && $log->get('is_movement')->value && $log->get('timestamp')->value <= \Drupal::time()->getCurrentTime();


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