<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\eva\Functional; /** * Preliminary tests for Eva. * * @group eva */ class EvaTest extends EvaTestBase { /** * Assert that the Eva of Articles appears on a Page. */ public function testEvaOnPage() { $assert = $this->assertSession(); $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $this->nids['just_eva']); $assert->statusCodeEquals(200); $this->assertEquals( $this->articleCount, \count($this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-eva")]//div[contains(@class, "views-row")]')), sprintf('Found %d articles in Eva.', $this->articleCount) ); } /** * Test issue described in https://www.drupal.org/node/2873385. */ public function test2873385() { $assert = $this->assertSession(); $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $this->nids['pages'][0]); $assert->statusCodeEquals(200); $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $this->nids['pages'][1]); $assert->statusCodeEquals(200); $this->drupalGet('/2873385'); $assert->statusCodeEquals(200); // The view-eva's' should not all contain the same labels. $evas = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-eva")]'); $all_links = []; foreach ($evas as $x) { $links = $x->findAll('xpath', '//a'); $these_links = []; foreach ($links as $l) { $these_links[] = $l->getText(); } $all_links[] = implode('-', $these_links); } $this->assertGreaterThan( 1, \count(\array_unique($all_links)), 'Found more than one unique Eva.' ); } /** * Test issue described in https://www.drupal.org/project/eva/issues/3059233. */ public function test3059233() { $assert = $this->assertSession(); // Test that an EVA shows up. $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $this->nids['just_eva']); $assert->statusCodeEquals(200); $this->assertEquals( $this->articleCount, \count($this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-eva")]//div[contains(@class, "views-row")]')), sprintf('Found %d articles in Eva.', $this->articleCount) ); // Duplicate the articles EVA, change the node type to attach to. $orig = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('view')->load('articles'); $new = $orig->createDuplicate(); $new->set('id', 'articles_2'); $display = $new->get('display'); $display['entity_view_1']['display_options']['bundles'] = ['another_eva']; $new->set('display', $display); $new->save(); // Make another page. $node = $this->createNode([ 'title' => 'Test Eva 2', 'type' => 'another_eva', ]); $this->nids['new_page'] = $node->id(); // Test the new EVA shows up. $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $this->nids['new_page']); $this->assertEquals( $this->articleCount, \count($this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-eva")]//div[contains(@class, "views-row")]')), sprintf('Found %d articles in Eva.', $this->articleCount) ); // Delete the View (test https://www.drupal.org/project/eva/issues/3017744). $new->delete(); // Test the EVA is gone. $this->drupalGet('/node/' . $this->nids['new_page']); $this->assertEquals( 0, \count($this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-eva")]//div[contains(@class, "views-row")]')), sprintf('Found %d articles in Eva.', $this->articleCount) ); } }