langcode: en status: true dependencies: enforced: module: - cookies_etracker id: etracker label: 'eTracker Analytics' group: tracking weight: 0 info: value: "<table><caption><strong>Cookie-Information</strong></caption><thead><tr><th width='15%'>Cookie name</th><th width='15%'>Description</th><th width='50%'>Default expiration time</th><th width='20%'>Example-content</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>_et_coid</td><td>Cookie recognition (only with cookie activation)</td><td>2 years / configurable</td><td>108bf9a85547edb1108bf9a85547edb1</td></tr><tr><td>et_oi_v2</td><td>Functional / Required:<br /> Opt-In cookie stores the visitor's decision when tracking Opt-In is played on the customer's site. Also used for a possible opt-out.</td><td>'no' - 50 years<br /> 'yes' - 480 days</td><td>yes</td></tr><tr><td>et_oip</td><td>Functional / Required:<br /> OptIn cookie for 'Signalize'. If the customer chooses 'no', the cookie is set with the value 'no' and a duration of 30 days. If the customer chooses 'x' or presses the ESC key (no decision), the cookie is set with the value 'no' for a validity of 1 day. A value of 'yes' is not required as this is implicitly given by the consent to the actual browser push.</td><td>'no' - 30 days<br /> 'no' (Session) 1 day</td><td>no</td></tr><tr><td>et_allow_cookies</td><td>Functional / required:<br /> When using data block cookies, the API call _etracker.enableCookies() sets this cookie to '1' to indicate that eTracker may set cookies. The cookie is set to '0' when _etracker.disableCookies() is called.</td><td>'0' - 50 years<br /> '1' - 480 days</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>isSdEnabled</td><td>Recognition of whether the visitor's scrolling depth is measured (only with cookie activation).</td><td>24H</td><td>true</td></tr><tr><td>GS3_v</td><td>Set by the Optimizer Web Service. Contains the same Visitor ID as BT_pdc (only with cookie activation).</td><td>1 year</td><td>4682607</td></tr><tr><td>BT_ctst</td><td>Is only used to detect whether cookies are activated in the visitor's browser or not (only if cookies are activated).</td><td>Browser-Session</td><td>101</td></tr><tr><td>BT_sdc</td><td>Contains Base64-encoded data of the current visitor session (referrer, number of pages, number of seconds since the start of the session, displayed smart messages in the session), which are used for personalization purposes (only if cookie is activated)</td><td>Browser-Session</td><td>eyJldF9jb2lkIjoiTkEiLCJy...DMzNTYzNzM3LCJwaSI6NH0=</td></tr><tr><td>BT_pdc</td><td>Contains Base64-encoded visitor history data (is customer, newsletter recipient, visitor ID, displayed smart messages) for personalization (only if cookie is activated)</td><td>1 year</td><td><br /> eyJldGNjX2N1c3QiOjAsImVj...GNjX25ld3NsZXR0ZXIiOjB9</td></tr><tr><td>BT_ecl</td><td>Contains a list of project IDs for which the visitor is excluded. This cookie is set by the web service if the client has configured that not all visitors are assigned to a test, but only a certain fraction (only if cookie is activated).</td><td>30 days</td><td>BT-6037799f213de9e9961facc224b69</td></tr></tbody></table>\r\n" format: full_html consentRequired: true placeholderMainText: 'This content is blocked because etracker cookies have not been accepted.' placeholderAcceptText: 'Only accept etracker cookies.' purpose: 'Cookie from eTracker for website analyses. Records statistical information about how the visitor uses the website.' processor: 'etracker GmbH' processorContact: 'etracker GmbH, Erste Brunnenstraße 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany' processorUrl: '' processorPrivacyPolicyUrl: '' processorCookiePolicyUrl: ''