/** * @file * Defines Javascript behaviors for the cookies_etracker module. * * This is used when data_block_cookies is TRUE * AND knockout_mode is 'block_cookies_true_without_consent'. */ (function (Drupal) { /** * Sets data-block-cookies to "false" once consent was given * through COOKiES. */ Drupal.behaviors.cookiesEtrackerBlockCookiesTrueWithoutConsent = { // id corresponding to the cookies_service.schema->id. id: 'etracker', activate(context) { const etLoader = document.getElementById('_etLoader'); if ( etLoader && etLoader.getAttribute && etLoader.getAttribute('data-block-cookies') === 'true' ) { // Use cookieful tracking: // TODO - There's a bit of race condition danger here // as _etracker might have not been initialized yet // due to "async" attribute. // See // We work around it here as good as possible // By using the _etracker and attribute method and deferring the script. if (typeof _etracker !== 'undefined') { // @see _etracker.enableCookies(); } // Additionally represent the state in the data-attribute to prevent // confusion and if the script wasn't loaded yet. // This will have no effect if the script was already loaded! document .getElementById('_etLoader') .setAttribute('data-block-cookies', 'false'); if ( typeof _etracker !== 'undefined' && !_etracker.areCookiesEnabled() ) { console.log('eTracker cookies should be enabled, but they are not!'); } } }, fallback(context) { const etLoader = document.getElementById('_etLoader'); if ( etLoader !== undefined && etLoader.getAttribute('data-block-cookies') === 'false' ) { // Use cookieless tracking: // TODO - There's a bit of race condition danger here // as _etracker might have not been initialized yet // due to "async" attribute. // See // We work around it here as good as possible // By using the _etracker and attribute method and deferring the script. if (typeof _etracker !== 'undefined') { // @see _etracker.disableCookies(); } // Additionally represent the state in the data-attribute to prevent // confusion and if the script wasn't loaded yet. // This will have no effect if the script was already loaded! document .getElementById('_etLoader') .setAttribute('data-block-cookies', 'true'); if (typeof _etracker !== 'undefined' && _etracker.areCookiesEnabled()) { console.log( 'eTracker cookies should be disabled, but they are enabled!', ); } } }, attach(context) { const self = this; document.addEventListener('cookiesjsrUserConsent', function (event) { const service = typeof === 'object' ? : {}; if (typeof service[] !== 'undefined' && service[]) { // Consent given. Allow cookies to be used: self.activate(context); } else { // Consent denied / revoked. Disable cookies: self.fallback(context); } }); }, }; })(Drupal);