

namespace Drupal\Tests\entity_browser\Functional;

use Drupal\entity_browser\Element\EntityBrowserElement;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests the entity browser form element.
 * @group entity_browser
class FormElementTest extends BrowserTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = ['entity_browser_test', 'node', 'views'];

   * Test nodes.
   * @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface[]
  protected $nodes;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp(): void {
        'type' => 'page',
        'name' => 'page',

    $this->nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode();
    $this->nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode();

   * Tests the Entity browser form element.
  public function testFormElement() {
    // See \Drupal\entity_browser_test\Form\FormElementTest.
    $this->assertSession()->linkExists('Select entities', 0, 'Trigger link found.');

    $ids = [
      $this->nodes[0]->getEntityTypeId() . ':' . $this->nodes[0]->id(),
      $this->nodes[1]->getEntityTypeId() . ':' . $this->nodes[1]->id(),

    $ids = implode(' ', $ids);


    $expected = 'Selected entities: ' . $this->nodes[0]->label() . ', ' . $this->nodes[1]->label();

    $default_entity = $this->nodes[0]->getEntityTypeId() . ':' . $this->nodes[0]->id();
    $this->drupalGet('/test-element', ['query' => ['default_entity' => $default_entity, 'selection_mode' => EntityBrowserElement::SELECTION_MODE_EDIT]]);
    $this->assertSession()->linkExists('Select entities', 0, 'Trigger link found.');

    $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldValueEquals("fancy_entity_browser[entity_ids]", $default_entity);
    $hidden_field = $this->assertSession()->hiddenFieldExists("fancy_entity_browser[entity_ids]");
    $new_value = 'node:' . $this->nodes[1]->id() . ' node:' . $this->nodes[0]->id();

    $this->submitForm([], 'Submit');
    $expected = 'Selected entities: ' . $this->nodes[1]->label() . ', ' . $this->nodes[0]->label();


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