# Schema for configuration files of the Entity browser module. entity_browser.browser.*: type: config_entity label: 'Entity browser' mapping: name: type: string label: 'Machine name' label: type: label label: 'Label' display: type: string label: 'Display plugin ID' display_configuration: type: entity_browser.browser.display.[%parent.display] selection_display: type: string label: 'Selection display plugin ID' selection_display_configuration: type: entity_browser.browser.selection_display.[%parent.selection_display] widget_selector: type: string label: 'Widget selector plugin ID' widget_selector_configuration: type: entity_browser.browser.widget_selector.[%parent.widget_selector] widgets: type: sequence label: 'Widgets' sequence: type: mapping mapping: id: type: string uuid: type: uuid label: type: label weight: type: integer settings: type: entity_browser.browser.widget.[%parent.id] entity_browser.browser.display.standalone: type: mapping label: 'Standalone display configuration' mapping: path: type: string label: 'Page path' entity_browser.browser.display.iframe: type: mapping label: 'iFrame display configuration' mapping: width: type: string label: 'iFrame width' height: type: string label: 'iFrame height' link_text: type: label label: 'Link text' auto_open: type: boolean label: 'Auto open' entity_browser.browser.display.modal: type: mapping label: 'Modal display configuration' mapping: width: type: string label: 'Modal width' height: type: string label: 'Modal height' link_text: type: label label: 'Link text' auto_open: type: boolean label: 'Auto open' entity_browser.browser.widget.base: type: mapping label: 'Entity Browser widget base plugin configuration' mapping: submit_text: type: label label: 'Submit button text' auto_select: type: boolean label: 'Automatically submit selection' entity_browser.browser.widget.upload: type: entity_browser.browser.widget.base label: 'Upload widget configuration' mapping: upload_location: type: string label: 'Upload location' multiple: type: boolean label: 'Allow multiple uploads' extensions: type: string label: 'Allowed file extensions' entity_browser.browser.widget.view: type: entity_browser.browser.widget.base label: 'View widget configuration' mapping: view: type: string label: 'View ID' view_display: type: string label: 'View display ID' arguments: type: sequence sequence: type: integer label: 'View display arguments' entity_browser.browser.widget.media_image_upload: type: entity_browser.browser.widget.upload label: 'Media image upload configuration' mapping: media_type: type: string label: 'Media Type' entity_browser.browser.selection_display.multi_step_display: type: mapping label: 'Multistep display configuration' mapping: entity_type: type: string label: 'Entity type' display: type: string label: 'Display' display_settings: type: entity_browser.field_widget_display.[%parent.display] select_text: type: label label: 'Select text' selection_hidden: type: boolean label: 'Selection hidden by default' entity_browser.browser.selection_display.view: type: mapping label: 'View display configuration' mapping: view: type: string label: 'View ID' view_display: type: string label: 'View display ID' field.widget.settings.entity_browser_entity_reference: type: mapping label: 'Entity browser entity reference widget' mapping: entity_browser: type: string label: 'Entity Browser' field_widget_display: type: string label: 'Field widget display' field_widget_edit: type: boolean label: 'Field widget edit' field_widget_remove: type: boolean label: 'Field widget remove' field_widget_replace: type: boolean label: 'Field widget replace' open: type: boolean label: 'Open' field_widget_display_settings: type: entity_browser.field_widget_display.[%parent.field_widget_display] selection_mode: type: string label: 'Selection mode' entity_browser.field_widget_display.label: type: mapping label: 'Entity label display config' entity_browser.field_widget_display.thumbnail: type: mapping label: 'Image thumbnail display config' mapping: image_style: type: string label: 'Image style' entity_browser.field_widget_display.rendered_entity: type: mapping label: 'Rendered entity display config' mapping: view_mode: type: string label: 'View mode' field.widget.settings.entity_browser_file: type: mapping label: 'Entity browser file widget' mapping: entity_browser: type: string label: 'Entity Browser' field_widget_edit: type: boolean label: 'Field widget edit' field_widget_remove: type: boolean label: 'Field widget remove' field_widget_replace: type: boolean label: 'Field widget replace' open: type: boolean label: 'Open' selection_mode: type: string label: 'Selection mode' view_mode: type: string label: 'View mode' preview_image_style: type: string label: 'Preview image style' views.filter.entity_browser_bundle: type: views.filter.in_operator label: 'Bundle' views.display.entity_browser: type: views_display label: 'Entity browser display options' views.argument_default.entity_browser_widget_context: type: mapping label: 'Entity Browser Context' mapping: context_key: type: string label: 'Context key' fallback: type: string label: 'Fallback value' multiple: type: string label: 'Multiple values'