/** * @file entity_browser.modal.js * * Defines the behavior of the entity browser's modal display. */ (function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings, window, document) { 'use strict'; Drupal.entityBrowserModal = {}; Drupal.AjaxCommands.prototype.select_entities = function (ajax, response, status) { var uuid = drupalSettings.entity_browser.modal.uuid; $(':input[data-uuid="' + uuid + '"]').trigger('entities-selected', [uuid, response.entities]) .removeClass('entity-browser-processed').unbind('entities-selected'); }; /** * Registers behaviours related to modal display. */ Drupal.behaviors.entityBrowserModal = { attach: function (context) { // Object.prototype.entries() isn't available in D9/IE11. for (var modalId in drupalSettings.entity_browser.modal) { var instance = drupalSettings.entity_browser.modal[modalId] for (var jsCallbackKey in instance.js_callbacks) { var callback = drupalSettings.entity_browser.modal[modalId].js_callbacks[jsCallbackKey]; // Get the callback. callback = callback.split('.'); var fn = window; for (var j = 0; j < callback.length; j++) { fn = fn[callback[j]]; } if (typeof fn === 'function') { $(':input[data-uuid="' + instance.uuid + '"]').not('.entity-browser-processed') .bind('entities-selected', fn).addClass('entity-browser-processed'); } } if (instance.auto_open) { $('input[data-uuid="' + instance.uuid + '"]').click(); } } } }; /** * Registers behaviours related to modal open and windows resize for fluid modal. */ Drupal.behaviors.fluidModal = { attach: function (context) { var $window = $(window); // Be sure to run only once per window document. if (once('fluid-modal', 'body').length) { return; } // Recalculate dialog size on window resize. $window.resize(function (event) { Drupal.entityBrowserModal.fluidDialog(); }); // Catch dialog if opened within a viewport smaller than the dialog width // and recalculate size of all open dialogs. $(document).on('dialogopen', '.ui-dialog', function (event, ui) { Drupal.entityBrowserModal.fluidDialog(); }); // Disable scrolling of the whole browser window to not interfere with the // iframe scrollbar. $window.on({ 'dialog:aftercreate': function (event, dialog, $element, settings) { $('body').css({overflow: 'hidden'}); }, 'dialog:beforeclose': function (event, dialog, $element) { $('body').css({overflow: 'inherit'}); } }); } }; /** * Registers behaviours for adding throbber on modal open. */ Drupal.behaviors.entityBrowserAddThrobber = { attach: function (context) { if (context === document) { $(window).on({ 'dialog:aftercreate': function (event, dialog, $element, settings) { if ($element.find('iframe.entity-browser-modal-iframe').length) { $element.append(Drupal.theme('ajaxProgressThrobber')); } } }); } } }; /** * Recalculates size of the modal. */ Drupal.entityBrowserModal.fluidDialog = function () { var $visible = $('.ui-dialog:visible'); // For each open dialog. $visible.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var dialog = $this.find('.ui-dialog-content').data('ui-dialog'); // If fluid option == true. if (dialog.options.fluid) { var wWidth = $(window).width(); // Check window width against dialog width. if (dialog.options.maxWidth && (wWidth > parseInt(dialog.options.maxWidth) + 50)) { dialog.option('width', dialog.options.maxWidth); } else { // If no maxWidth is defined, make it responsive. dialog.option('width', '92%'); } var vHeight = $(window).height(); // Check window width against dialog width. if (dialog.options.maxHeight && vHeight > (parseInt(dialog.options.maxHeight) + 50)) { dialog.option('height', dialog.options.maxHeight); } else { // If no maxHeight is defined, make it responsive. dialog.option('height', .92 * vHeight); // Because there is no iframe height 100% in HTML 5, we have to set // the height of the iframe as well. var contentHeight = $this.find('.ui-dialog-content').height(); $this.find('iframe').css('height', contentHeight); } // Reposition dialog. dialog.option('position', dialog.options.position); } }); /** * Close modal popup on escape key press. */ Drupal.behaviors.closeModalOnEscapeKeyPress = { attach: function (context) { $(document).on('keydown', function (event) { if (event.key == 'Escape') { $(document).find('.entity-browser-modal-iframe').parents('.ui-dialog').eq(0).find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').click(); } }); } }; }; }(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings, window, document));