(function ($, Drupal) { 'use strict'; /* globals ec */ Drupal.easychart = Drupal.easychart || {}; Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI = $('<div id="easychart-options-ui" class="clearfix"></div>'); // wrapper div for the UI. Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI.newTabCount = 0; // Keep track of the amount of new tabs for the vertical tabs system. Drupal.behaviors.easychart = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Admin settings screen for options. if ($('.easychart-options').length > 0) { // Hide the textarea. var ecOptionsTextarea = $('.easychart-options'); ecOptionsTextarea.parent().hide().after(Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI); // Get the default options from the Easychart library if necessary. if (ecOptionsTextarea.val() === '') { window.easychart = new ec($('#footer')); var options = JSON.stringify(window.easychart.getOptions(),null,4); ecOptionsTextarea.val(options); // If nothing changed, don't save the data. $("#easychart-admin-options-form").submit(function () { // Convert the config to the textarea. Drupal.easychart.UiToOptions(ecOptionsTextarea); if (options === ecOptionsTextarea.val()) { ecOptionsTextarea.val(""); } }); } // Save the updates to the options. else { $("#edit-submit").click(function () { Drupal.easychart.UiToOptions(ecOptionsTextarea); }); } // Add a form instead of the textarea. var form = '<div class="ec-vertical-tabs-wrapper">'; form += ' <ul class="ec-vertical-tabs">'; form += ' <li class="ui-state-default visually-hidden ec-tab ec-tab-prototype"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span><input type="hidden" class="form-text ec-tab-key" value="" /><input type="text" placeholder="title" class="form-text ec-tab-title" value="" /></li>'; form += ' </ul>'; form += ' <div class="form-actions">'; form += ' <a class="button ec-add-tab" href="#">' + Drupal.t('Add a vertical tab') + '</a>'; form += ' </div>'; form += '</div>'; form += '<div class="ec-vertical-tabs-content-wrapper">'; form += ' <div class="visually-hidden ec-tab-content ec-tab-content-prototype">'; form += ' <ul class="ec-groups">'; form += ' <li class="ui-state-default ec-group ec-group-prototype visually-hidden clearfix">'; form += ' <div class="ec-group-content">'; form += ' <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span><input type="text" placeholder="title" class="form-text ec-group-title" value="" />'; form += ' <ul class="ec-options">'; form += ' <li class="ui-state-default visually-hidden ec-option ec-option-prototype"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span><input type="text" placeholder="key" class="form-text ec-option-key" /><input type="text" placeholder="title (optional)" class="form-text ec-option-title" /></li>'; form += ' </ul>'; form += ' </div>'; form += ' <a class="ec-add-option" href="#">+ ' + Drupal.t('Add an option') + '</a>'; form += ' </li>'; form += ' </ul>'; form += ' <a class="button ec-add-group" href="#">' + Drupal.t('Add a group') + '</a>'; form += '</div>'; form += '</div>'; Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI.append(form); // Convert the existing options to form elements. Drupal.easychart.optionsToUi(ecOptionsTextarea); // Set the first tab as active. $('.ec-vertical-tabs .ec-tab', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).eq(1).addClass('active'); $('.ec-vertical-tabs-content-wrapper .ec-tab-content', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).eq(1).removeClass('visually-hidden').addClass('active'); // Make the different elements sortable. Drupal.easychart.makeSortable(); // Create extra options on click $('.ec-add-option', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).click(function () { Drupal.easychart.destroySortable(); Drupal.easychart.addOption('', '', $(this).parent('.ec-group')); Drupal.easychart.makeSortable(); return false; }); // Create extra groups on click $('.ec-add-group', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).click(function () { Drupal.easychart.destroySortable(); Drupal.easychart.addGroup('', $(this).parent('.ec-tab-content')); Drupal.easychart.makeSortable(); return false; }); // Create extra tabs on click $('.ec-add-tab', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).click(function () { Drupal.easychart.destroySortable(); Drupal.easychart.addTab('custom-tab-' + Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI.newTabCount, ''); Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI.newTabCount++; Drupal.easychart.makeSortable(); return false; }); // Make the vertical tabs work. // Create extra tabs on click $('.ec-tab', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).click(function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { // Show the right tab content var tab = $(this).attr('class').replace('ui-state-default ec-tab ec-tab-', ''); $('.ec-tab-content', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).addClass('visually-hidden').removeClass('active'); $('.ec-tab-content-' + tab, Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).removeClass('visually-hidden').addClass('active'); // Toggle the active class. $('.ec-tab.active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); Drupal.easychart.destroySortable(); Drupal.easychart.makeSortable(); } return false; }); // TODO: add 'remove' functionality. } // Admin settings screen for templates. if ($('.easychart-templates').length > 0) { var ecTemplatesTextarea = $('.easychart-templates'); // Get the default options from the Easychart library if necessary. if (ecTemplatesTextarea.val() === '') { window.easychart = new ec($('#footer')); var templates = JSON.stringify(window.easychart.getTemplates(), null, 4); ecTemplatesTextarea.val(templates); // If nothing changed, don't save the data. $("#easychart-admin-templates-form").submit(function () { if (templates === ecTemplatesTextarea.val()) { ecTemplatesTextarea.val(""); } }); } } } }; // Convert the options in a textarea to a configuration UI. Drupal.easychart.optionsToUi = function (textarea) { var ecOptionsConfig = JSON.parse(textarea.val()); $(ecOptionsConfig).each(function () { // Add tabs. Drupal.easychart.addTab(this.id, this.panelTitle); var tab = this.id; $(this.panes).each(function () { // Add groups. var currentTab = $('.ec-tab-content-' + tab); Drupal.easychart.addGroup(this.title, currentTab); var group = Drupal.easychart.cleanTitle(this.title); $(this.options).each(function () { // Add options. var currentGroup = $('.ec-group-' + group, currentTab); Drupal.easychart.addOption(this.fullname, this.title, currentGroup); }); }); }); }; // Convert the options in a textarea to a configuration UI. Drupal.easychart.UiToOptions = function (textarea) { var options = []; // Get the tabs. var tabs = []; $('.ec-tab', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).not('.ec-tab-prototype').each(function () { var classes = $(this).attr('class'); classes = classes.split(' '); var tabClass = classes[2].replace('ec-tab-', ''); tabs.push(tabClass); }); $(tabs).each(function () { var option = {}; option.id = this; option.panelTitle = $('.ec-tab-' + option.id + ' .ec-tab-title', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).val(); option.panes = []; $('#' + option.id + ' .ec-group').not('.ec-group-prototype').each(function () { var pane = {}; pane.title = $('.ec-group-title', this).val(); pane.options = []; $('.ec-option', this).not('.ec-option-prototype').each(function () { var option = {}; option.fullname = $('.ec-option-key', this).val(); option.title = $('.ec-option-title', this).val(); pane.options.push(option); }); option.panes.push(pane); }); options.push(option); }); textarea.val(JSON.stringify(options, null, '\t')); }; // Add one tab. Drupal.easychart.addTab = function (id, title) { var newTab = $('.ec-tab-prototype', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).clone(true,true).appendTo('#easychart-options-ui ul.ec-vertical-tabs').removeClass('visually-hidden ec-tab-prototype').addClass('ec-tab-' + id); $('.ec-tab-id', newTab).val(id); $('.ec-tab-title', newTab).val(title); $('.ec-tab-content-prototype', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).clone(true, true).appendTo('#easychart-options-ui .ec-vertical-tabs-content-wrapper').removeClass('ec-tab-content-prototype').addClass('ec-tab-content-' + id).attr('id', id); $("input, select, textarea", Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI).bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); newTab.click(); }; // Add one group. Drupal.easychart.addGroup = function (title, tab) { var newGroup = $('.ec-group-prototype', tab).clone(true,true).appendTo($('.ec-groups', tab)).removeClass('visually-hidden ec-group-prototype').addClass('ec-group-' + Drupal.easychart.cleanTitle(title)); $('.ec-group-title', newGroup).val(title); }; // Add one option. Drupal.easychart.addOption = function (key, title, group) { // Clone the option prototype and add it in the right location. var newOption = $('.ec-option-prototype', group).clone(true,true).appendTo($('.ec-options', group)).removeClass('visually-hidden ec-option-prototype'); $('.ec-option-key', newOption).val(key); $('.ec-option-title', newOption).val(title); }; // Remove existing sortable behavior. Drupal.easychart.destroySortable = function () { // $('.ec-vertical-tabs, .ec-groups, .ec-options').sortable('destroy'); }; // Make alle elements sortable. Drupal.easychart.makeSortable = function () { // First the options var $options = $('.ec-tab-content.active .ec-options', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI); if ($options.length > 0) { Array.prototype.forEach.call($options, function (region) { Sortable.create(region, {handle: '.ec-options'}); }); $("input", $options).bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); } // Then the groups and tabs. This order avoids a weird jQuery UI bug. $options = $('.ec-vertical-tabs, .ec-tab-content.active .ec-groups', Drupal.easychart.ecOptionsUI); if ($options.length > 0) { Array.prototype.forEach.call($options, function (region) { Sortable.create(region, {handle: '.ec-options'}); }); $("input", $options).bind('mousedown.ui-disableSelection selectstart.ui-disableSelection', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); } }; // Return a clean version of a word. Drupal.easychart.cleanTitle = function (title) { return title.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); }; })(jQuery, Drupal);