<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\dvf\Functional; /** * Functional tests for creation of dvf fields. * * @group dvf */ class DvfFieldCreationTest extends DvfFieldTestBase { /** * Test that the Visualisation file field can be added. * * (... to an entity such as page.) * * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException */ public function testAddFieldVisualisationFile() { $new_field_label = 'Testing visualisation file field'; $new_field_name = 'testing_vis_file_field'; $storage_type = 'dvf_file'; $this->addNewFieldToPage($new_field_label, $new_field_name, $storage_type); } /** * Test that the Visualisation url field can be added. * * (... to an entity such as page.) * * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException */ public function testAddFieldVisualisationUrl() { $new_field_label = 'Testing visualisation url field'; $new_field_name = 'testing_vis_url_field'; $storage_type = 'dvf_url'; $this->addNewFieldToPage($new_field_label, $new_field_name, $storage_type); } /** * Helper function to add and configure a new field to page entity. * * @param string $new_field_label * Label setting of the new field. * @param string $new_field_name * Name setting of the new field. * @param string $storage_type * New field storage type (dvf_url or dvf_file). * * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException */ public function addNewFieldToPage($new_field_label, $new_field_name, $storage_type) { $page_path = 'admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields/add-field'; $visualisation_source_test = 'dvf_csv_file'; // Visit the add field page to "page" content type. $this->drupalGet($page_path); $assert_session = $this->assertSession(); // Make sure that selectbox has Visualisation file option. $assert_session->optionExists('new_storage_type', $storage_type); // Select field option, add dummy name and submit. $assert_session->fieldExists('new_storage_type') ->setValue($storage_type); $assert_session->fieldExists('label') ->setValue($new_field_label); $assert_session->fieldExists('field_name') ->setValue($new_field_name); $assert_session->buttonExists('edit-submit') ->press(); // Make sure that we moved to the field settings page. // And submit default settings (display and upload destination). $assert_session->buttonExists('Save field settings') ->press(); // Make sure that we moved to the field settings page. $assert_session->pageTextContains($new_field_label . ' settings'); // Test update of visualisation source using a csv file. $assert_session->fieldExists('settings[visualisation_source]') ->setValue($visualisation_source_test); // Test saving of settings. $assert_session->buttonExists('Save settings') ->press(); // Make sure that all field settings have been saved. $assert_session->pageTextContains('Saved ' . $new_field_label . ' configuration'); } }