
name: 'Drutopia Collection'
description: 'Provides Collection content type and related configuration. Create a <em>collection</em> to bring together ordered listings of Articles, Blog posts, or other content.  This is useful for magazine issues or online books (referencing each chapter) or to create a meta-resource of recommended resources and people.'
type: module
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
  - drutopia_article
  - drutopia_blog
  - drutopia_core
  - drutopia_people
  - drutopia_seo
  - ds
  - entity_reference_revisions
  - field
  - image
  - menu_ui
  - metatag
  - node
  - paragraphs
  - path
  - taxonomy
  - text
  - user
  - views
package: Drutopia
# version: 8.x-1.0-alpha1
core_incompatible: false

# Information added by Drupal.org packaging script on 2023-09-14
version: '2.0.x-dev'
project: 'drutopia_collection'
datestamp: 1694686400

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