


namespace Drupal\date_recur;

 * Dummy helper for handling non-recurring values.
class DateRecurNonRecurringHelper implements DateRecurHelperInterface {

   * The occurrences.
   * @var \Drupal\date_recur\DateRange[]
  protected array $occurrences = [];

   * Constructor for DateRecurNonRecurringHelper.
   * @param \DateTimeInterface $dtStart
   *   The initial occurrence start date.
   * @param \DateTimeInterface|null $dtStartEnd
   *   The initial occurrence end date, or NULL to use start date.
  public function __construct(
    \DateTimeInterface $dtStart,
    ?\DateTimeInterface $dtStartEnd = NULL,
  ) {
    $dtStartEnd ??= clone $dtStart;
    $this->occurrences = [new DateRange($dtStart, $dtStartEnd)];

  public static function createInstance(string $string, \DateTimeInterface $dtStart, ?\DateTimeInterface $dtStartEnd = NULL): DateRecurHelperInterface {
    return new static($dtStart, $dtStartEnd);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getRules(): array {
    return [];

  public function isInfinite(): bool {
    return FALSE;

  public function generateOccurrences(?\DateTimeInterface $rangeStart = NULL, ?\DateTimeInterface $rangeEnd = NULL): \Generator {
    foreach ($this->occurrences as $occurrence) {
      $occurrenceStart = $occurrence->getStart();
      $occurrenceEnd = $occurrence->getEnd();

      if ($rangeStart) {
        if ($occurrenceStart < $rangeStart && $occurrenceEnd < $rangeStart) {

      if ($rangeEnd) {
        if ($occurrenceStart > $rangeEnd && $occurrenceEnd > $rangeEnd) {

      yield $occurrence;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getOccurrences(?\DateTimeInterface $rangeStart = NULL, ?\DateTimeInterface $rangeEnd = NULL, ?int $limit = NULL): array {
    if (isset($limit) && (!\is_int($limit) || $limit < 0)) {
      // Limit must be a number and more than one.
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid count limit.');

    // There can either by zero or one occurrence generated for non-recurring
    // generator.
    if (isset($limit) && $limit === 0) {
      return [];

    return \iterator_to_array($this->generateOccurrences($rangeStart, $rangeEnd));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getExcluded(): array {
    return [];

  public function current(): DateRange {
    return \current($this->occurrences);

  public function next(): void {

  public function key(): ?int {
    $key = \key($this->occurrences);
    return $key;

  public function valid(): bool {
    return !\is_null(\key($this->occurrences));

  public function rewind(): void {


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