<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Drupal\date_recur; use Drupal\Component\Assertion\Inspector; use Drupal\date_recur\Rl\RlHelper; /** * Helper for recurring rules. * * Provides a helper for getting occurrences from a RRULE. The class can be * iterated upon, producing occurrence objects beginning at the first * occurrence. * * This helper is a proxy to the default helper. It should be used if there is * no preference of implementation. */ final class DateRecurHelper implements DateRecurHelperInterface { /** * DateRecurHelper constructor. * * @param \Drupal\date_recur\DateRecurHelperInterface $dateRecurHelper * The date recur helper. */ public function __construct( protected DateRecurHelperInterface $dateRecurHelper, ) { } /** * Create a instance of helper using system default. * * @param string $string * The repeat rule. * @param \DateTimeInterface $dtStart * The initial occurrence start date. * @param \DateTimeInterface|null $dtStartEnd * The initial occurrence end date, or NULL to use start date. * * @return static * A rule helper. * * @throws \Exception * Throws various exceptions if string is invalid. */ public static function create(string $string, \DateTimeInterface $dtStart, ?\DateTimeInterface $dtStartEnd = NULL): static { // @todo Get the helper preference from Drupal module config. /** @var \Drupal\date_recur\DateRecurHelperInterface $dateRecurHelper */ $dateRecurHelper = RlHelper::createInstance($string, $dtStart, $dtStartEnd); return new static($dateRecurHelper); } public static function createInstance(string $string, \DateTimeInterface $dtStart, ?\DateTimeInterface $dtStartEnd = NULL): DateRecurHelperInterface { throw new \LogicException('Create instance must not be called on this helper.'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getRules(): array { $rules = $this->dateRecurHelper->getRules(); \assert(\is_array($rules)); \assert(Inspector::assertAllObjects($rules, DateRecurRuleInterface::class)); return $rules; } public function isInfinite(): bool { return $this->dateRecurHelper->isInfinite(); } public function generateOccurrences(?\DateTimeInterface $rangeStart = NULL, ?\DateTimeInterface $rangeEnd = NULL): \Generator { return $this->dateRecurHelper->generateOccurrences($rangeStart, $rangeEnd); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getOccurrences(?\DateTimeInterface $rangeStart = NULL, ?\DateTimeInterface $rangeEnd = NULL, ?int $limit = NULL): array { return $this->dateRecurHelper->getOccurrences($rangeStart, $rangeEnd, $limit); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getExcluded(): array { $exDates = $this->dateRecurHelper->getExcluded(); \assert(Inspector::assertAllObjects($exDates, \DateTimeInterface::class)); return $exDates; } public function current(): DateRange { return $this->dateRecurHelper->current(); } public function next(): void { $this->dateRecurHelper->next(); } public function key(): ?int { return $this->dateRecurHelper->key(); } public function valid(): bool { return $this->dateRecurHelper->valid(); } public function rewind(): void { $this->dateRecurHelper->rewind(); } }