langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - - - - - media.type.crossword_contest module: - crossword_contest third_party_settings: { } id: media.crossword_contest.crossword_contest_play targetEntityType: media bundle: crossword_contest mode: crossword_contest_play content: field_crossword_contest_xword: label: visually_hidden weight: 0 settings: print: true details: title_tag: '' author_tag: '' notepad_tag: '' buttons: class: '' buttons: clear: show: true input_label: Clear confirm: 'Do you really want to clear? This action cannot be undone.' solution: show: true input_label: Submit confirm: '' undo: input_label: Undo confirm: '' show: false redo: input_label: Redo confirm: '' show: false instructions: show: true input_label: Instructions confirm: '' clues: input_label: 'Show Clues' do_not_render: false show: false checked: false references: checked: true input_label: 'Show References' show: false rebus: input_label: 'Rebus entry active' show: false third_party_settings: { } type: crossword_contest region: content hidden: created: true field_correct_message: true field_incorrect_message: true name: true thumbnail: true uid: true