
 * @file
 * default theme implementation to display a crossword.
 * Available variables:
 * - content : all available pieces of the crossword which may include:
 *   - title : The title of the crossword as contained in the parsed file.
 *   - author : The author of the crossword as contained in the parsed file.
 *   - notepad : Notes contained in the parsed file.
 *   - controls : Buttons and checkboxes used to interact with the puzzle.
 *   - active_clue: Container for active clue.
 *   - grid : The crossword grid as contained in the parsed file.
 *   - across : The across clues contained in the parsed file.
 *   - down : The down clues contained in the parsed file.
 * - attributes : HTML attributes for the containing element.
 * - field_formatter: Machine name of field formatter.
<div{{ attributes.addClass('crossword').addClass('field-formatter-' ~ field_formatter) }}>

  <div class="crossword-header">
    {% if content.title is not empty or is not empty or content.notepad is not empty %}
      <div class="crossword-details">
        {{ content.title }}
        {{ }}
        {{ content.notepad }}
    {% endif %}
    {{ content.controls }}

  {{ content.active_clue }}

  <div class="crossword-puzzle clearfix">
    {{ content.grid }}
    {{ content.across }}
    {{ content.down }}


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