<?php namespace Drupal\content_workflow_bynder; use GatherContent\GatherContentClient; use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Pool; /** * Extends the GatherContentClient class with Drupal specific functionality. */ class DrupalContentWorkflowBynderClient extends GatherContentClient { /** * Module extension list. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList; */ protected $extensionList; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct(ClientInterface $client) { parent::__construct($client); $this->setCredentials(); $this->extensionList = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVersionString() { $frameworkName = 'Drupal'; $frameworkVersion = \Drupal::VERSION; $info = $this->extensionList->getExtensionInfo('content_workflow_bynder'); $integrationVersion = $info['version'] ?? 'dev'; return sprintf('Integration-%s-%s/%s', $frameworkName, $frameworkVersion, $integrationVersion); } /** * Put the authentication config into client. */ public function setCredentials() { $config = \Drupal::config('content_workflow_bynder.settings'); $this->setEmail($config->get('username') ?: ''); $this->setApiKey($config->get('api_key') ?: ''); } /** * Retrieve the account id of the given account. * * If none given, retrieve the first account by default. */ public static function getAccountId($accountName = NULL) { $account = \Drupal::config('content_workflow_bynder.settings') ->get('account'); $account = unserialize($account); if (!is_array($account)) { return NULL; } if (!$accountName) { if (reset($account)) { return key($account); } } foreach ($account as $id => $name) { if ($name === $accountName) { return $id; } } return NULL; } /** * Retrieve all the active projects. */ public function getActiveProjects($accountId) { $projects = $this->projectsGet($accountId); foreach ($projects['data'] as $id => $project) { if (!$project->active) { unset($projects['data'][$id]); } } $projects['data'] = $this->reKeyArray($projects['data'], 'id'); return $projects; } /** * Returns a formatted array with the template ID's as a key. * * @param int $projectId * Project ID. * * @return array * Return array. */ public function getTemplatesOptionArray($projectId) { $formatted = []; $templates = $this->templatesGet($projectId); foreach ($templates['data'] as $template) { $formatted[$template->id] = $template->name; } return $formatted; } /** * Returns the response body. * * @param bool $jsonDecoded * If TRUE the method will return the body json_decoded. * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface * Response body. */ public function getBody($jsonDecoded = FALSE) { $body = $this->getResponse()->getBody(); if ($jsonDecoded) { return json_decode($body); } return $body; } /** * Downloads all files asynchronously. * * @param array $files * Files object array. * @param string $directory * Destination directory. * @param string $language * Language string. * * @return array * Imported files array. */ public function downloadFiles(array $files, $directory, $language) { $entityTypeManager = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager'); /** @var \GuzzleHttp\Client $httpClient */ $httpClient = $this->client; $options = [ 'auth' => $this->getRequestAuth(), 'headers' => [], ]; $options['headers'] += $this->getRequestHeaders(); // Remove unnecessary associative array keys. $files = array_values($files); $importedFiles = []; $requests = function () use ($httpClient, $files, $options) { foreach ($files as $file) { if (!$file) { continue; } yield function () use ($httpClient, $file, $options) { return $httpClient->getAsync($file->url, $options); }; } }; $pool = new Pool( $httpClient, $requests(), [ 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) use ($files, $directory, $language, &$importedFiles, $entityTypeManager) { if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) { $file = $entityTypeManager ->getStorage('file') ->loadByProperties(['cwb_file_id' => $files[$index]->fileId]); if ($file) { $file = reset($file); $importedFiles[$index] = $file->id(); return; } $path = $directory . '/' . $files[$index]->filename; $importedFile = \Drupal::service('file.repository')->writeData($response->getBody(), $path); if ($importedFile) { $importedFile ->set('cwb_file_id', $files[$index]->fileId) ->set('langcode', $language) ->set('filesize', $files[$index]->size) ->save(); $importedFiles[$index] = $importedFile->id(); } } }, ] ); $promise = $pool->promise(); $promise->wait(); ksort($importedFiles); return $importedFiles; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function templateGet($templateId) { $template = parent::templateGet($templateId); if (empty($template['related'])) { return $template; } // Add the ID as the array key. $groups = $template['related']->structure->groups; foreach ($groups as $group) { $group->fields = $this->reKeyArray($group->fields, 'id'); } $template['related']->structure->groups = $this->reKeyArray($groups, 'id'); return $template; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function projectStatusesGet($projectId) { $statuses = parent::projectStatusesGet($projectId); if (empty($statuses['data'])) { return $statuses; } // Add the ID as the array key. $statuses['data'] = $this->reKeyArray($statuses['data'], 'id'); return $statuses; } /** * Create new assoc array with the key parameter as array key. * * @param array $array * Array to re-key. * @param string $key * The key to re-key by. * * @return array * Returns the re-keyed array. */ protected function reKeyArray(array $array, $key) { $items = []; foreach ($array as $item) { $items[$item->{$key}] = $item; } return $items; } }