
<div class="system-status-general-info commerce-shipping-info">
  <h2 class="system-status-general-info__header">{{ 'Improve your fulfillment process with ShipStation'|t }}</h2>
  <div class="system-status-general-info__items">
    <div class="system-status-general-info__item commerce-shipping__item">
      <span class="commerce-shipping__item-image commerce-shipping__item-image--logo"></span>
      <div class="commerce-shipping__item-details">
        <h3 class="system-status-general-info__item-title">{{ '1. Sign up for a free trial'|t }}</h3>
        <p>{{ 'ShipStation is the leading web-based order management and shipping software designed to make retailers exceptionally efficient at processing, fulfilling, and shipping their ecommerce orders. Signup for a free trial to see what ShipStation + Drupal Commerce can do together.'|t }}</p>
        <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="button button--small button--primary">{{ 'Start your free trial'|t }}</a></p>
    <div class="system-status-general-info__item commerce-shipping__item">
      <span class="commerce-shipping__item-image commerce-shipping__item-image--logo"></span>
      <div class="commerce-shipping__item-details">
        <h3 class="system-status-general-info__item-title">{{ '2. Install the Commerce ShipStation module'|t }}</h3>
        <p>{{ 'The official connector module is maintained by Centarro. Its integration exports orders from Drupal Commerce to ShipStation, imports shipment status and tracking updates as you fulfill your orders, and much more.'|t }}</p>
        <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="button button--small button--primary">{{ 'Learn more'|t }}</a></p>

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