<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_license\Kernel; use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface; /** * Provides a helper method to take a license order to completion. */ trait LicenseOrderCompletionTestTrait { /** * Takes a cart order through to the end of checkout. * * This uses the states appropriate to the order's workflow to ensure that * the license will be created. * * @param \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $cart_order * The order. * * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException */ protected function completeLicenseOrderCheckout(OrderInterface $cart_order): void { $workflow = $cart_order->getState()->getWorkflow(); // In all cases, place the order. $cart_order->getState()->applyTransition($workflow->getTransition('place')); $cart_order->save(); // The order is now either in state: // - 'complete', if its workflow is 'order_default' // - 'fulfillment', if its workflow is 'order_fulfillment' // Fulfill the order if it has that transition. $fulfil_transition = $workflow->getTransition('fulfill'); if ($fulfil_transition) { $cart_order->getState()->applyTransition($fulfil_transition); $cart_order->save(); } } }