/** * @file registers the accordion toolbar button and binds functionality to it. */ import { Plugin } from 'ckeditor5/src/core'; import { ButtonView, ContextualBalloon, } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui'; import icon from '../../../../icons/ckeditor-accordion.svg'; import iconAddAbove from '../../../../icons/ckeditor-accordion-add-above.svg'; import iconAddBelow from '../../../../icons/ckeditor-accordion-add-below.svg'; import iconDelete from '../../../../icons/ckeditor-accordion-remove.svg'; export default class AccordionUI extends Plugin { /** * @inheritdoc */ static get requires() { return [ContextualBalloon]; } init() { const editor = this.editor; const t = this.editor.t; // This will register the accordion toolbar button. editor.ui.componentFactory.add('accordion', (locale) => { const command = editor.commands.get('insertAccordion'); const buttonView = new ButtonView(locale); // Create the toolbar button. buttonView.set({ label: t('Accordion'), icon, tooltip: true, }); // Bind the state of the button to the command. buttonView.bind('isOn', 'isEnabled').to(command, 'value', 'isEnabled'); // Execute the command when the button is clicked (executed). this.listenTo(buttonView, 'execute', () => editor.execute('insertAccordion'), ); return buttonView; }); editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'accordionAddAbove', (locale) => { const command = editor.commands.get('insertAccordionRowAbove'); const buttonView = new ButtonView(locale); // Create the toolbar button. buttonView.set({ label: t('Insert row above'), iconAddAbove, tooltip: false, withText: true, }); // Bind the state of the button to the command. buttonView.bind('isOn', 'isEnabled').to(command, 'value', 'isEnabled'); // Execute the command when the button is clicked (executed). this.listenTo(buttonView, 'execute', () => editor.execute( 'insertAccordionRowAbove' ), ); return buttonView; } ); editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'accordionAddBelow', (locale) => { const command = editor.commands.get('insertAccordionRowBelow'); const buttonView = new ButtonView(locale); // Create the toolbar button. buttonView.set({ label: t('Insert row below'), iconAddBelow, tooltip: false, withText: true, }); // Bind the state of the button to the command. buttonView.bind('isOn', 'isEnabled').to(command, 'value', 'isEnabled'); // Execute the command when the button is clicked (executed). this.listenTo(buttonView, 'execute', () => editor.execute( 'insertAccordionRowBelow' ), ); return buttonView; } ); editor.ui.componentFactory.add( 'accordionRemove', (locale) => { const command = editor.commands.get('deleteAccordionRow'); const buttonView = new ButtonView(locale); // Create the toolbar button. buttonView.set({ label: t('Delete row'), iconDelete, tooltip: false, withText: true, }); // Bind the state of the button to the command. buttonView.bind('isOn', 'isEnabled').to(command, 'value', 'isEnabled'); // Execute the command when the button is clicked (executed). this.listenTo(buttonView, 'execute', () => editor.execute('deleteAccordionRow'), ); return buttonView; } ); } }