<?php namespace Drupal\bynder\Exception; use Drupal\Core\Url; /** * Exception indicating that the brand is not configured on upload widget. */ class BrandNotSetException extends BynderException { /** * Constructs BrandNotSetException. * * @param string $entity_browser_id * Entity browser ID. */ public function __construct($entity_browser_id) { $log_message = 'Brand to upload to is not set. Check the <a target="_blank" href=":url">configuration of the widget</a>.'; $log_message_args = [ ':url' => Url::fromRoute( 'entity.entity_browser.edit_form', ['entity_browser' => $entity_browser_id, 'step' => 'widgets'] )->toString(), ]; $admin_message = $this->t($log_message, $log_message_args); $message = $this->t( 'Brand to upload to is not set. Please contact the site administrator.' ); parent::__construct( $message, $admin_message, $log_message, $log_message_args ); } }