<?php /** * @file * Contains bootstrap_layouts.module. */ use Drupal\bootstrap_layouts\BootstrapLayout; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray; use Drupal\Core\Render\Element; use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute; /** * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter(). */ function bootstrap_layouts_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) { // Immediately return if the layout manager cannot be loaded. // This can happen during the update process. if (!\Drupal::hasService('plugin.manager.core.layout')) { return; } // Find all Bootstrap Layouts. $layouts = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.core.layout')->getDefinitions(); $layout_theme_hooks = []; /** @var \Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutDefinition $info */ foreach ($layouts as $info) { if (is_a($info->getClass(), 'Drupal\bootstrap_layouts\Plugin\Layout\BootstrapLayoutsBase', TRUE)) { $layout_theme_hooks[] = $info->getThemeHook(); } } // Add a special internal preprocess function. foreach ($theme_registry as $theme_hook => $info) { if (in_array($theme_hook, $layout_theme_hooks) || (!empty($info['base hook']) && in_array($info['base hook'], $layout_theme_hooks))) { $theme_registry[$theme_hook]['preprocess functions'][] = '_bootstrap_layouts_preprocess_layout'; } } } /** * Parses an attribute string saved in the UI. * * @param string $string * The attribute string to parse. * @param array $tokens * An associative array of token data to use. * * @return array * A parsed attributes array. */ function _bootstrap_layouts_parse_attributes($string = NULL, array $tokens = []) { static $token; if (!isset($token)) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Utility\Token $token */ $token = \Drupal::service('token'); } $attributes = []; if (!empty($string)) { $parts = explode(',', $string); foreach ($parts as $attribute) { if (strpos($attribute, '|') !== FALSE) { list($key, $value) = explode('|', $token->replace($attribute, $tokens, ['clear' => TRUE])); $attributes[$key] = $value; } } } return $attributes; } /** * Internal preprocess callback. * * This is used to determine standardize variables to use in Bootstrap Layouts * templates based on whatever implementation is used (i.e. Display Suite or * Panels, etc.). * * @param array $variables * Variables array, passed by reference. */ function _bootstrap_layouts_preprocess_layout(array &$variables) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Layout\LayoutDefinition $layout_definition */ $layout_definition = $variables['layout']; // Utilize the BootstrapLayout utility class to normalize DX readability here. $layout = new BootstrapLayout($layout_definition->id(), [], $variables['settings']); // Determine the entity, entity type and bundle. /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ $entity = isset($variables['content']['#entity']) ? $variables['content']['#entity'] : FALSE; $entity_type = isset($variables['content']['#entity_type']) ? $variables['content']['#entity_type'] : FALSE; $bundle = isset($variables['content']['#bundle']) ? $variables['content']['#bundle'] : FALSE; $view_mode = isset($variables['content']['#view_mode']) ? $variables['content']['#view_mode'] : FALSE; $tokens = []; if ($entity_type && $entity) { $tokens[$entity_type] = $entity; // Copy entity to top level to improve theme experience. $variables[$entity_type] = $entity; } // Add a layout wrapper and its attributes. $variables['wrapper'] = $layout->getSetting('layout.wrapper', 'div'); $layout_attributes = isset($variables['attributes']) ? $variables['attributes'] : []; $layout_attributes = NestedArray::mergeDeep(_bootstrap_layouts_parse_attributes($layout->getSetting('layout.attributes'), $tokens), $layout_attributes); $attributes = new Attribute($layout_attributes); $attributes->addClass(array_keys($layout->getSetting('layout.classes', []))); if ($layout->getSetting('layout.add_layout_class')) { $attributes->addClass(Html::cleanCssIdentifier($layout->getId())); } // Unfortunately since Display Suite doesn't abstract this bit of code, it // must be duplicated in this module to support it from the UI. if ($entity_type && isset($variables['content']['#ds_configuration'])) { // Add theming-classes to template. $entity_classes = !empty($variables['content']['#ds_configuration']['layout']['entity_classes']) ? $variables['content']['#ds_configuration']['layout']['entity_classes'] : 'old_view_mode'; if ($entity_classes !== 'no_classes') { if ($entity_classes === 'all_classes') { $entity_type_class = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($entity_type); $entity_classes = [$entity_type_class]; if ($bundle) { $entity_classes[] = "$entity_type_class--type-" . Html::cleanCssIdentifier($bundle); } if ($view_mode) { $entity_classes[] = "$entity_type_class--view-mode-" . Html::cleanCssIdentifier($view_mode); } $attributes->addClass($entity_classes); } // Add (old style, non cleaned) view-mode-{name} to classes. elseif ($entity_classes === 'old_view_mode' && $view_mode && !$attributes->hasClass("view-mode-$view_mode")) { $attributes->addClass("view-mode-$view_mode"); } } // Let other modules know we have rendered. $variables['rendered_by_ds'] = TRUE; // Let other modules alter the ds array before rendering. $context = [ 'entity' => $entity, 'entity_type' => $entity_type, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'view_mode' => $view_mode, ]; \Drupal::moduleHandler()->alter('ds_pre_render', $variables['content'], $context, $variables); } // Set the attributes variable. $variables['attributes'] = $attributes; // Create region variables based on the layout settings. foreach ($layout->getSetting('regions', []) as $region => $region_settings) { $parsed_attributes = _bootstrap_layouts_parse_attributes($region_settings['attributes'], $tokens); if (!empty($variables['region_attributes'][$region])) { $parsed_attributes = NestedArray::mergeDeep($parsed_attributes, $variables['region_attributes'][$region]); } $region_attributes = new Attribute($parsed_attributes); $region_attributes->addClass(array_keys($region_settings['classes'])); if (!empty($region_settings['add_region_classes'])) { $region_attributes->addClass(['bs-region', Html::cleanCssIdentifier("bs-region--$region")]); } unset($region_settings['classes']); $region_settings['attributes'] = $region_attributes; $region_settings['content'] = isset($variables['content'][$region]) && !Element::isEmpty($variables['content'][$region]) ? $variables['content'][$region] : NULL; $variables[$region] = $region_settings; } }