
 * @file
 * Default theme implementation of an image.
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes: HTML attributes for the img tag.
 * - style_name: (optional) The name of the image style applied.
 * @see template_preprocess_image()
 * @ingroup themeable
{% apply spaceless %}
  {% set classes = [
    style_name ? 'image-style-' ~ style_name|clean_class,
    image_fluid ? 'img-fluid',
    image_rounded ? 'rounded',
    image_border and image_border != '' ? 'border',
    image_border and image_border != '' ? 'border-'~image_border,
  ] %}

  {% include '@system/image.html.twig' with {
    attributes: attributes.addClass(classes)
  } %}
{% endapply %}

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