
 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for a link to a file.
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes: The HTML attributes for the containing element.
 * - link: A link to the file.
 * - file_mime_type: File Mime Type.
 * - file_link_default_icon: Default icon.
 * - file_link_icon_autodetect: A boolean from theme settings.
 * - file_link_show_size: A boolean from theme settings.
 * - file_size: The size of the file.
 * @see template_preprocess_file_link()
 * @ingroup themeable
{% apply spaceless %}
  {% if file_link_icon_autodetect %}
    {% set _icon_name = [
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/ogg' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/mpeg' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/vorbis' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/mpeg3' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/x-mpeg-3' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/wav' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/wave' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/x-wav' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/x-pn-wav' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'audio/webm' ? 'it-file-audio',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/x-7z-compressed' ? 'it-file-compressed',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/zip' ? 'it-file-compressed',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/gzip' ? 'it-file-compressed',
      file_link_mime_type == 'text/csv' ? 'it-file-csv',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/json' ? 'it-file-json',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/pdf' ? 'it-file-pdf-ext',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' ? 'it-file-odt',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' ? 'it-file-ods',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation' ? 'it-file-slides',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ? 'it-file-sheet',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' ? 'it-file-ppt',
      file_link_mime_type == 'text/plain' ? 'it-file-txt',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/xml' ? 'it-file-xml',
      file_link_mime_type == 'video/mp4' ? 'it-file-video',
      file_link_mime_type == 'video/ogg' ? 'it-file-video',
      file_link_mime_type == 'video/webm' ? 'it-file-video',
      file_link_mime_type == 'application/octet-stream' ? 'it-warning-circle',
    ] %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if not _icon_name or _icon_name|join|trim is empty %}
    {% set _icon_name = [file_link_default_icon] %}
  {% endif %}

  {% block fileLink %}
    {% embed '@bi-bcl/card/card.html.twig' with {
      card_shadow: true,
      card_icon: _icon_name|join|trim,
      card_teaser: true,
      card_rounded: true,
      card_border: true,
      card_attributes: attributes,
    } %}
      {% block cardTitle %}
        <h5 class="card-title">
          {% include '@bi-bcl/icon/icon.html.twig' with {name: _icon_name|join|trim} %}
          {{ link }}
          {% if file_size and file_link_show_size %}
            <span> ({{ file_size }})</span>
          {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}
    {% endembed %}
  {% endblock %}
{% endapply %}

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