
 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for a branding block.
 * Each branding element variable (logo, name, slogan) is only available if
 * enabled in the block configuration.
 * Available variables:
 * - site_logo: Logo for site as defined in Appearance or theme settings.
 * - site_name: Name for site as defined in Site information settings.
 * - site_slogan: Slogan for site as defined in Site information settings.
 * - link_attributes (obj attribute) (default: '')
 * @ingroup themeable
{% apply spaceless %}
  {% set _link_attributes = link_attributes|default('') %}

  {% if _link_attributes is empty %}
    {% set link_attributes = create_attribute() %}
    {% set link_attributes = link_attributes
      .setAttribute('href', path('<front>'))
      .setAttribute('title', 'Home'|t)
      .setAttribute('rel', 'home')
  {% endif %}

  <div class="it-brand-wrapper">
    <a{{ link_attributes }}>
      {% if site_logo %}
        {% set check = site_logo %}
        {% if not (check ends with '.svg') %}
          <img src="{{ site_logo }}" alt="{{ 'Home'|t }}" class="icon{{ image_logo_fluid ? ' img-fluid' }}">
        {% else %}
          {% set svg_attributes = create_attribute() %}
          {% set svg_attributes = svg_attributes.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true') %}

          {% if svg_logo_box %}
            {% set svg_attributes = svg_attributes
              .setAttribute('viewBox', svg_logo_box)
          {% endif %}

          {% if svg_logo_box_sticky %}
            {% set svg_attributes = svg_attributes
              .setAttribute('data-sticky-viewBox', svg_logo_box_sticky)
          {% endif %}

          {% include '@bi-bcl/icon/icon.html.twig' with {
            name: svg_logo_id ?: 'logo',
            icon_path: site_logo,
            icon_attributes: svg_attributes
          } %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}

      {% block brandText %}
        {% if site_name or site_slogan %}
          <div class="it-brand-text">
            {% if site_name %}
              <div class="it-brand-title">{{ site_name }}</div>
            {% endif %}

            {% if site_slogan %}
              <div class="it-brand-tagline d-none d-md-block">{{ site_slogan }}</div>
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}
{% endapply %}

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