
 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display a menu.
 * Available variables:
 * - menu_name: The machine name of the menu.
 * - items: A nested list of menu items. Each menu item contains:
 *   - attributes: HTML attributes for the menu item.
 *   - below: The menu item child items.
 *   - title: The menu link title.
 *   - url: The menu link url, instance of \Drupal\Core\Url
 *   - localized_options: Menu link localized options.
 *   - is_expanded: TRUE if the link has visible children within the current
 *     menu tree.
 *   - is_collapsed: TRUE if the link has children within the current menu tree
 *     that are not currently visible.
 *   - in_active_trail: TRUE if the link is in the active trail.
 * @ingroup themeable
{% apply spaceless %}
  <div class="row">
    {% set col = items|length > 4 ? 3 : 12 / items|length %}
    {% for item in items %}
      <div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-{{ col }} pb-4 footer-items-wrapper">

        <h3 class="h6 text-uppercase">
          {% if item.url.external %}
            {{ link(
                .addClass(['text-decoration-none', 'text-light'])
                .setAttribute('target', '_blank')
                .setAttribute('aria-label', item.title ~ ' in new window'|t)
            ) }}
          {% elseif item.url.routeName or item.url.routeName == '<nolink>' or item.url.routeName == '<none>' %}
            {{ item.title }}
          {% else %}
            {{ link(item.title, item.url, item.attributes.addClass(['text-decoration-none', 'text-light'])) }}
          {% endif %}
        {% if item.below %}
          <div class="link-list-wrapper">
            <ul{{ attributes.addClass(['footer-list','link-list','clearfix']) }}>
              {% for item_second in item.below %}
                <li{{ item_second.attributes.addClass('my-1') }}>
                  {% include '@bi-bcl/list/linklist-item.html.twig' with {
                    item: item_second,
                    list_type: 'footer-menu',
                  } %}
              {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

    {% endfor %}
{% endapply %}

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