{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for webform wizard progress tracker. * Docs: * Latest revision: v2.0.8 * * Available variables: * - webform: A webform. * - pages: Associative array of wizard pages. * - progress: Array of wizard progress containing page titles. * - current_page: Current wizard page key. * - current_index: The current wizard page index. * - max_pages: Maximum number of pages that progress text should be displayed on. * * @see template_preprocess_webform_progress_tracker() * @see * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {#{{ attach_library('webform/webform.progress.tracker') }}#} <div class="steppers-header"> <ul class="webform-progress-tracker progress-tracker progress-tracker--center" data-webform-progress-steps> {% for index, page in progress %} {% set is_completed = index < current_index %} {% set is_active = index == current_index %} {% set classes = [ 'progress-step', is_completed ? 'is-complete', is_completed ? 'confirmed', is_active ? 'is-active', is_active ? 'active' ] %} {% set attributes = create_attribute() .setAttribute('data-webform-' ~ page.type, .setAttribute('title', page.title) .setAttribute('class', '') .addClass(classes) %} <li{{ attributes }}> {% if progress|length < max_pages %} <div class="progress-text"> <div class="progress-title" data-webform-progress-link> <span class="visually-hidden" data-webform-progress-state>{% if is_active or is_completed %}{{ is_active ? 'Current'|t : 'Completed'|t }}{% endif %}</span> {{ index + 1 }} - {{ page.title }} </div> </div> {% endif %} {% if is_completed %} {% include '@bi-bcl/icon/icon.html.twig' with { name: 'it-check', icon_classes: ['steppers-success'], } %} {% endif %} </li> {% endfor %} </ul> <span class="steppers-index" aria-hidden="true">{{ current_index + 1 }}/{{ progress|length }}</span> </div>