{# /** * @file * Template for Overlay component. * Docs: * Latest revision: v2.6.1 * * Available config: * - overlay_caption: string * - overlay_img: link img * - overlay_img_alt: string | false * - overlay_fulllheight: true | false * - overlay_black: true | false * - overlay_hover: true | false * - overlay_icon: string * - overlay_icon_sr_only: string * #} {% apply spaceless %} {% include '@bi-bcl/deprecated.html.twig' with { old: 'bootstrap_italia_components/overlay/overlay.twig', new: 'bi-bcl/overlay/overlay.html.twig', } %} {% embed '@bi-bcl/overlay/overlay.html.twig' with { label: overlay_caption, panel_fullheight: overlay_fulllheight, overlay_black: overlay_black, overlay_icon: overlay_icon } %} {% block overlayImage %} <img src="{{ overlay_img }}" alt="{{ overlay_img_alt }}" class="img-fluid"> {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% endapply %}