{# /** * @file * Template for linklist-item component. * Docs: * Latest revision: v2.11.2 * * Parameters: * - item, item contains: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the menu item. * - title: The menu link title. * - url: The menu link url, instance of \Drupal\Core\Url * - localized_options: Menu link localized options. * - is_expanded: TRUE if the link has visible children within the current * menu tree. * - is_collapsed: TRUE if the link has children within the current menu tree * that are not currently visible. * - in_active_trail: TRUE if the link is in the active trail. * - title_tag (string) (default: 'h3') * - list_type (string) (default: '') * - wrapper_tag (string) (default: '') * - title_wrapper_tag (string) (default: '') * - level (string) (default: '') * - verbose_classes (boolean) (default: false) * - active_items_large (boolean) (default: false) * - active_items_bold (boolean) (default: false) * - show_link_description (boolean) (default: false) * - active_assistive_text (string) (default: '') * - show_icon (boolean) (default: false) * - linklist_item_classes (array) (default: '') * - linklist_item_attributes (obj attribute) (default: '') * * Examples: {% include '@bi-bcl/list/linklist-item.html.twig' with { item: item, level: 'x', list_type: 'dropdown', } %} * */ #} {% apply spaceless %} {# Set defaults #} {# Check item type: link-item|menu-item #} {% set _item =['#type'] == 'link' ? : item %} {% set _title_tag = title_tag|default('h3') %} {% set _list_type = list_type|default('') %} {% set _wrapper_tag = wrapper_tag|default('') %} {% set _title_wrapper_tag = title_wrapper_tag|default('') %} {% set _level = level|default('') %} {% set _verbose_classes = verbose_classes ?? false %} {% set _active_items_large = active_items_large ?? false %} {% set _active_items_bold = active_items_bold ?? false %} {% set _show_link_description = show_link_description ?? false %} {% set _active_assistive_text = active_assistive_text|default('Current page'|trans) %} {% set _show_icon = show_icon ?? false %} {% set _linklist_item_classes = linklist_item_classes|default('') %} {% set _linklist_item_attributes = linklist_item_attributes|default('') %} {# Set options #} {% set _classes = [ 'list-item', _list_type is not empty ? _list_type ~ '-item', _verbose_classes and _level is not empty ? 'nav-link__level-' ~ _level, _item.in_active_trail ? 'active', _item.in_active_trail and _active_items_large ? 'large', _item.in_active_trail and _active_items_bold ? 'medium', ] %} {% if _linklist_item_classes is not empty %} {% set _classes = _classes|merge(linklist_item_classes) %} {% endif %} {# If is a link item #} {% if _item['#options'].attributes|length > 0 %} {% set linklist_item_attributes = _item['#options'].attributes %} {% set linklist_wrapper_classes = _item['#options'].attributes|join(' ')|trim %} {# If is a menu item #} {% elseif _item.attributes|length > 0 %} {% set linklist_item_attributes = _item.attributes %} {% set linklist_wrapper_classes = _item.attributes.class|join(' ')|trim %} {% elseif _linklist_item_attributes is empty %} {% set linklist_item_attributes = create_attribute() %} {% set linklist_wrapper_classes = '' %} {% endif %} {% set linklist_item_attributes =['#type'] == 'link' ? linklist_item_attributes|merge({"class": _classes}) : linklist_item_attributes.addClass(_classes) %} {# Link item or menu item #} {% if _item['#url'].external or _item.url.external %} {% set linklist_item_attributes = linklist_item_attributes .setAttribute('target', '_blank') .setAttribute('rel', 'nofollow') .setAttribute('aria-label', _item.title ~ ' - ' ~ 'External link'|t ~ ' - ' ~ 'New window'|t) %} {% endif %} {# Component #} {%- if _wrapper_tag is not empty -%} <{{ _wrapper_tag }} class="{{ linklist_wrapper_classes }}"> {%- endif -%} {# If a divider item #} {%- if _item.title == '<divider>' or _item['#title'] == '<divider>' -%} <span class="divider"></span> {# If a Nolink item #} {%- elseif (_item.url.isRouted and _item.url.routeName == '<nolink>') or (_item['#url'].isRouted and _item['#url'].routeName == '<nolink>') -%} <{{ _title_tag }} class="link-list-heading">{{ _item.title }}</{{ _title_tag }}> {# If a button item #} {%- elseif (_item.url.isRouted and _item.url.routeName == '<button>') or (_item['#url'].isRouted and _item['#url'].routeName == '<button>') -%} <{{ _title_tag }} class="link-list-heading">{{ _item.title }}</{{ _title_tag }}> {%- else -%} {%- set _linklist_title -%} {% if _show_icon %} {% include '@bi-bcl/icon/icon.html.twig' with { name: 'it-arrow-right-triangle', size: 'sm', icon_classes: ['me-2'] } %} {% endif %} {%- if _title_wrapper_tag is not empty -%} <{{ _title_wrapper_tag }}{{ item.text_attributes ? item.text_attributes }}> {%- endif -%} {%- if _item.title -%}{# Menu item. #} {{- _item.title -}} {%- elseif _item['#title'] -%}{# Link item. #} {{- _item['#title'] -}} {%- elseif item.text -%}{# Link item no url #} {{- item.text -}} {%- elseif _item['#options'].attributes['title'] -%}{# Link item no title #} {{- _item['#options'].attributes['title'] -}} {%- endif -%} {# Original_link only in menu item #} {%- if _item.original_link.getDescription() and _show_link_description -%} <small class="d-block">{{ _item.original_link.getDescription() }}</small> {%- endif -%} {%- if _title_wrapper_tag is not empty -%} </{{ _title_wrapper_tag }}> {%- endif -%} {# in_active_trail only in menu item #} {%- if _item.in_active_trail -%} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ _active_assistive_text }}</span> {%- endif -%} {%- endset -%} {# Menu item. #} {%- if _item.url -%} {{ link(_linklist_title, _item.url, linklist_item_attributes) }} {# Link item. #} {%- elseif _item['#url'] -%} {{ link(_linklist_title, _item['#url'], linklist_item_attributes) }} {# Other. #} {%- else -%} {{ _linklist_title }} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if _wrapper_tag is not empty -%} </{{ _wrapper_tag }}> {%- endif -%} {% endapply %}