{# /** * @file * Template for number input component. * Docs: * Latest revision: v2.8.7 * * Available variables: * - attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the input element. * - children: Optional additional rendered elements. * * Examples: * @see template_preprocess_input() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% apply spaceless %} {# Set defaults #} {# Set options #} {% if attributes.value is empty or not attributes.value %} {% set default_value = attributes.min ? attributes.min.__toString() : '0' %} {% set attributes = attributes .setAttribute('value', default_value) %} {% endif %} {% set attributes = attributes .addClass(['form-control']) .setAttribute('data-bs-input', true) .setAttribute('value', attributes.value ?: '0') %} {% set wrapper_classes = [ 'input-number', 'input-group' ] %} {% if attributes.hasClass('input-number-currency') %} {% set wrapper_classes = wrapper_classes|merge(['input-number-currency']) %} {% set attributes = attributes.removeClass('input-number-currency') %} {% set input_prefix = '€' %} {% endif %} {% if attributes.hasClass('input-number-percentage') %} {% set wrapper_classes = wrapper_classes|merge(['input-number-percentage']) %} {% set attributes = attributes.removeClass('input-number-percentage') %} {% set input_prefix = '%' %} {% endif %} {% if attributes.hasClass('input-number-adaptive') %} {% set wrapper_classes = wrapper_classes|merge(['input-number-adaptive']) %} {% set attributes = attributes.removeClass('input-number-adaptive') %} {% endif %} {# Component #} <div class="{{ wrapper_classes|join(' ') }}"> {% if input_prefix %} <span class="input-group-text fw-semibold">{{ input_prefix }}</span> {% endif %} <input{{ attributes }}> <span class="input-group-text align-buttons flex-column"> <button class="input-number-add"> <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'Increase value'|t }}</span> </button> <button class="input-number-sub"> <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'Decrease value'|t }}</span> </button> </span> </div> {{ children }} {% endapply %}