{# /** * @file * Badge demo. * * Example: * {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge-demo.html.twig' %} */ #} {% apply spaceless %} {% set variants = [ "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", "warning", "white", "dark", "light", "black" ] %} {% embed '@bi-bcl/demo-container.html.twig' with { title: 'Badge with title'|t, path_demo_code: '/badge/badge-demo.html.twig#L25', } %} {% block content %} {% for i in 1..6 %} <h{{ i }}>Example title h{{ i }} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: 'New'|t, background: 'secondary', } %} </h{{ i }}> {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %}{# End embed demo. #} {% embed '@bi-bcl/demo-container.html.twig' with { title: 'Badge with button'|t, path_demo_code: '/badge/badge-demo.html.twig#L40', } %} {% block content %} {% embed '@bi-bcl/button/button.html.twig' with { label: 'Notification'|t, variant: 'primary', button_classes: ['m-2'], } %} {% block after %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: '4', text_color: 'primary', background: 'white', assistive_text: 'Unread Messages'|t } %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% embed '@bi-bcl/button/button.html.twig' with { label: 'Inbox'|t, variant: 'primary', button_classes: ['m-3', 'position-relative'], } %} {% block after %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: '99+', background: 'danger', assistive_text: 'Unread Messages'|t, rounded_pill: true, badge_classes: ['position-absolute', 'top-0', 'start-100', 'translate-middle'] } %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% embed '@bi-bcl/button/button.html.twig' with { label: 'Profile'|t, variant: 'primary', button_classes: ['m-3', 'position-relative'], } %} {% block after %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: null, background: 'danger', assistive_text: 'New alerts'|t, rounded_pill: true, badge_classes: ['position-absolute', 'top-0', 'start-100', 'translate-middle', 'p-2', 'border', 'border-light', 'rounded-circle'] } %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %}{# End embed demo. #} {% embed '@bi-bcl/demo-container.html.twig' with { title: 'Badge contestual variants'|t, path_demo_code: '/badge/badge-demo.html.twig#L98', } %} {% block content %} <p> {% for variant in variants %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: variant, background: variant, assistive_text: 'Variants'|t } %} {% endfor %} </p> <p> {% for variant in variants %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: variant, background: variant, outline: true, assistive_text: 'Variants'|t } %} {% endfor %} </p> <p> {% for variant in variants %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: variant, background: variant, rounded_pill: true, assistive_text: 'Variants'|t } %} {% endfor %} </p> <p> {% for variant in variants %} {% include '@bi-bcl/badge/badge.html.twig' with { label: variant, background: variant, rounded_pill: true, outline: true, assistive_text: 'Variants'|t } %} {% endfor %} </p> {% endblock %} {% endembed %}{# End embed demo. #} {% endapply %}