{% extends "input--button.html.twig" %} {# /** * @file * Theme suggestion for "button__split" input form element. * * Available variables: * - attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the input element. * - children: Optional additional rendered elements. * - icon: An icon. * - icon_only: Flag to display only the icon and not the label. * - icon_position: Where an icon should be displayed. * - label: button label. * - prefix: Markup to display before the input element. * - suffix: Markup to display after the input element. * - type: The type of input. * * @ingroup templates * * @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Preprocess\InputButton * @see \Drupal\bootstrap\Plugin\Preprocess\Input * @see template_preprocess_input() */ #} {% block input %}{% apply spaceless %} {% set classes = [ 'btn', type == 'submit' ? 'js-form-submit', icon and icon_position and not icon_only ? 'icon-' ~ icon_position, ] %} {% if icon_only %} <button{{ attributes.addClass(classes, 'icon-only') }}> <span class="sr-only">{{ label }}</span> {{ icon }} </button> {% else %} {% if icon_position == 'after' %} <button{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>{{ label }}{{ icon }}</button>{{ children }} {% else %} <button{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>{{ icon }}{{ label }}</button>{{ children }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set classes = [ 'btn', 'dropdown-toggle', ] %} <button{{ split_button_attributes.addClass(classes) }} type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="caret"></span> <span class="sr-only">{{ 'Toggle Dropdown'|t }}</span> </button> {{ children }} {% endapply %}{% endblock %}