

namespace Drupal\Tests\book\Kernel\Migrate\d6;

use Drupal\Tests\SchemaCheckTestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Kernel\d6\MigrateDrupal6TestBase;

 * Upgrade variables to book.settings.yml.
 * @group book
class MigrateBookConfigsTest extends MigrateDrupal6TestBase {

  use SchemaCheckTestTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = ['book'];

   * Gets the path to the fixture file.
  protected function getFixtureFilePath(): string {
    return __DIR__ . '/../../../../fixtures/drupal6.php';

   * Data provider for testBookSettings().
   * @return array
   *   The data for each test scenario.
  public static function providerBookSettings(): array {
    return [
      // d6_book_settings was renamed to book_settings, but use the old alias to
      // prove that it works.
      // @see book_migration_plugins_alter()

   * Tests migration of book variables to book.settings.yml.
   * @dataProvider providerBookSettings
   * @throws \Exception
  public function testBookSettings($migration_id): void {

    $config = $this->config('book.settings');
    $this->assertSame('book', $config->get('child_type'));
    $this->assertSame(['book'], $config->get('allowed_types'));
    $this->assertConfigSchema($this->container->get('config.typed'), 'book.settings', $config->get());


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