

 * @file
 * Provides a single layout with dynamic regions for Layout Builder.

use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;
use Drupal\blazy_layout\BlazyLayoutDefault;
use Drupal\blazy_layout\BlazyLayoutManager;

 * Provides a convenient shortcut for procedural hooks.
 * @return \Drupal\blazy_layout\BlazyLayoutManager
 *   The BlazyLayoutManager manager class instance.
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
function blazy_layout(): BlazyLayoutManager {
  static $manager;

  if (!isset($manager)) {
    $manager = \Drupal::service('blazy_layout');

  return $manager;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd

 * Implements hook_theme().
function blazy_layout_theme() {
  return [
    'block__blazy' => [
      'base hook' => 'block',
    'field__blazy' => [
      'base hook' => 'field',
    'layout__blazy' => [
      'base hook' => 'layout',

 * Overrides variables for layout.html.twig templates.
function blazy_layout_preprocess_layout(array &$variables) {
  $settings  = &$variables['settings'];
  $namespace = $variables['content']['#namespace'] ?? 'x';

  if ($namespace != 'blazy') {

  $blazies = $settings['blazies'];
  $wrappers = $variables['content']['#wrapper_attributes'] ?? [];
  $variables['wrapper_attributes'] = new Attribute($wrappers);
  $in_preview = $variables['in_preview'];
  $count = $settings['count'] = (int) $settings['count'];
  $settings['background'] = $background = $in_preview ||
    !empty($settings['background']) ||

  $style = $settings['style'] ?? '';

  _blazy_layout_region_attributes($variables, 'bg');

  if ($theme = \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName()) {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'b-theme-' . str_replace('_', '-', $theme);

  if ($in_preview) {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'b-layout--preview';
    $variables['region_attributes']['bg']['title'] = t('Background');
    $variables['region_attributes']['bg']['data-b-h'] = 'xs';

  if ($background) {
    $variables['region_attributes']['bg']['data-b-w'] = $style == 'nativegrid' ? 12 : 100;

  // Cleanup unused regions.
  _blazy_layout_cleanup_regions($variables, $count);

  // Create an attributes variable for each region.
  $region_settings = $settings['regions'];
  if ($regions = $blazies->get('grid.items', [])) {
    foreach (range(1, $count) as $delta => $value) {
      $name = BlazyLayoutDefault::regionId($delta);

      // Cleanup unwanted block attributes from builtin Media background.
      _blazy_layout_cleanup_block_attributes($variables, $name);

      // Core region attributes depend on content[region], hence enforced.
      _blazy_layout_region_attributes($variables, $name);

      // Add browser title tooltip over regions.
      if ($in_preview && $region = $region_settings[$name] ?? []) {
        $label = $region['label'] ?? '';
        $variables['region_attributes'][$name]['title'] = $label;

      // Merge attributes taken from regions generated by Grid class.
      if ($region = $regions[$name] ?? []) {
        if ($attrs = $region['#attributes'] ?? []) {
          if (isset($variables['region_attributes'][$name])) {
            $variables['region_attributes'][$name]->merge(new Attribute($attrs));
        if ($cattrs = $region['#content_attributes'] ?? []) {
          if (isset($variables['region_content_attributes'][$name])) {
            $variables['region_content_attributes'][$name]->merge(new Attribute($cattrs));

    $regions = array_diff(array_keys($settings['regions']), ['bg']);
    $variables['regions'] = $regions;

 * Cleanup unused regions.
function _blazy_layout_cleanup_regions(array &$variables, $count) {
  $bg = $variables['content']['bg'] ?? [];

  foreach (Element::children($variables['content']) as $delta => $name) {
    if ($delta >= $count) {

  $variables['content']['bg'] = $bg;

 * Cleanup unwanted block attributes from builtin Media background.
function _blazy_layout_cleanup_block_attributes(array &$variables, $name) {
  $contents = &$variables['content'];
  if (isset($contents[$name])) {
    $subcontents = &$contents[$name];
    foreach ($subcontents as $uuid => &$content) {
      if (strpos($uuid, '-media') !== FALSE) {

        if ($classes = $content['#attributes']['class'] ?? []) {
          $classes = array_diff($classes, [
          $content['#attributes']['class'] = $classes;

 * Provides regions attributes.
function _blazy_layout_region_attributes(array &$variables, $name) {
  foreach (['attributes', 'content_attributes'] as $key) {
    if (!isset($variables["region_$key"][$name])) {
      if (!isset($variables['content'][$name]["#$key"])) {
        $variables['content'][$name]["#$key"] = [];
      $variables["region_$key"][$name] = new Attribute($variables['content'][$name]["#$key"]);

 * Overrides variables for block.html.twig templates.
function blazy_layout_preprocess_block(array &$variables) {
  if ($settings = $variables['elements']['#blazy'] ?? []) {
    $variables['blazies'] = $settings['blazies']->storage();

 * Overrides variables for field.html.twig templates.
function blazy_layout_preprocess_field(array &$variables) {
  $element = &$variables['element'];
  $formatter = $element['#formatter'] ?? 'null';
  $blazy = strpos($formatter, 'blazy') !== FALSE;

  if ($blazy || isset($element['#blazy'])
    || !empty($element['#third_party_settings']['blazy']['blazy'])) {
    if ($settings = $element['#blazy'] ?? []) {
      $blazies = $settings['blazies'];

      // @fixme might be 0 even has one if embedded inside LB blocks.
      if ($blazies->total() == 0) {
        $items = $variables['items'] ?? [];
        if ($items && !empty($items[0]['content'])) {
          $count = count($items);
          $settings['count'] = $count;
          $blazies->set('count', $count)
            ->set('total', $count);

      $variables['blazies'] = $blazies->storage();

      // Make Blazy background have less divities if just a single image.
      // Basically reverting to stable9 logic with minimal divities.
      if ($blazies->get('count') == 1) {
        $variables['multiple'] = FALSE;
        if (!empty($settings['background'])) {
          $variables['label_hidden'] = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_layout_alter().
function blazy_layout_layout_alter(array &$definitions) {
  if ($layout = $definitions['blazy_layout'] ?? NULL) {
    if ($regions = $layout->getRegions()) {
      $count = count($regions);
      if ($count < 10) {
        $max = (int) blazy()->config('max_region_count');
        if ($max < 10) {
          $max = 20;
        foreach (range(9, $max) as $delta) {
          $regions['blzyr_' . $delta] = [
            'label' => t('Region @delta', ['@delta' => $delta]),

      // Append the BG region into the defined regions.
      $regions['bg'] = [
        'label' => t('Background'),

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_alter().
function blazy_layout_theme_suggestions_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables, $hook) {
  if ($hook == 'layout') {
    $settings = $variables['content']['#settings'] ?? [];
    if (!empty($settings['blazy_layout'])) {
      $suggestions[] = 'layout__blazy';
  else {
    // Make Blazy background less troublesome if just a single image.
    // Basically reverting to stable9 logic with minimal divities.
    $settings = [];
    if ($hook == 'field') {
      $settings = $variables['element']['#blazy'] ?? [];
      if (!empty($settings['use_theme_field'])) {
        $settings = [];
    elseif ($hook == 'block') {
      $settings = $variables['elements']['content'][0]['#blazy'] ?? [];

    if ($settings) {
      if (!empty($settings['use_lb'])
        && $blazies = $settings['blazies'] ?? NULL) {
        if ($blazies->use('bg') || $blazies->count() == 1) {
          $suggestions[] = $hook . '__blazy';

 * Implements hook_help().
function blazy_layout_help($route_name) {
  if ($route_name == '') {
    $output = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
    return blazy()->markdown($output);
  return '';

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