/** * @file * hey, [be]Lazy.js - v1.8.2 - 2016.10.25 * A fast, small and dependency free lazy load script ( * (c) Bjoern Klinggaard - @bklinggaard - * * A fork of blazy by @gausarts - * Thanks and kudos to @dinbror for the great work, gotta move forward :) * List of Changes: * - Made as a fallback for IO and Native lazy, taken care of by Bio.js. * - Removed IE7 hacks for a minimum of IE9, while core minimum is IE11. * - Simplified event (un)registrations. * - Fixed for multi-breakpoint BG and aspect ratio. * - Moved private stuff to be re-usable for all Blazy codebase into dBlazy. * - Dependent on dBlazy for shared methods at entire Blazy ecosystem. * * @todo move more re-usable functions out for re-use, or remove more dups. */ /* global define, module */ (function (root, blazy) { 'use strict'; var ns = 'Blazy'; var db = root.dBlazy; if (db.isAmd) { // AMD. Register bLazy as an anonymous module. define([ns, db, root], blazy); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node. module.exports = blazy(ns, db, root); } else { // Browser globals. Register bLazy on window. root.Blazy = blazy(ns, db, root); } })(this, function (ns, $, _win) { 'use strict'; // Private vars. var DOC = _win.document; var SOURCE; var IS_RETINA; var ATTR_SRC = 'src'; var ATTR_SRCSET = 'srcset'; var OPTS = {}; var VP = {}; var WINDATA = {}; var FN_VIEWPORT = $.viewport; /** * Constructor for Blazy. * * @param {object} options * The Blazy options. * * @return {Blazy} * The Blazy instance. * * @namespace */ return function Blazy(options) { var me = this; = ns; me.options = OPTS = $.extend($._defaults, options || {}); me.options.container = OPTS.containerClass ? $.findAll(DOC, OPTS.containerClass) : false; me.destroyed = true; var util = me._util = {}; OPTS = me.options; SOURCE = OPTS.src || 'data-src'; IS_RETINA = $.pixelRatio() > 1; FN_VIEWPORT.init(OPTS); // Public functions. me.windowData = function () { return $.isUnd(WINDATA.vp) ? FN_VIEWPORT.windowData(OPTS, true) : WINDATA; }; me.revalidate = function () { init(me); }; // @todo merge with Bio::load. me.load = function (elements, force) { var opts = me.options; if (elements && $.isUnd(elements.length)) { loadElement(elements, force, opts); } else { $.each(elements, function (element) { loadElement(element, force, opts); }); } }; me.destroy = function () { var util = me._util; if (OPTS.container) { $.each(OPTS.container, function (object) { $.off(object, 'scroll.' + ns, util.validateT); }); } $.off(_win, 'scroll.' + ns, util.validateT); $.off(_win, 'resize.' + ns, util.validateT); $.off(_win, 'resize.' + ns, util.saveViewportOffsetT); me.count = 0; me.elms.length = 0; me.destroyed = true; }; // Throttle, ensures that we don't call the functions too often. util.validateT = $.throttle(function () { validate(me); }, OPTS.validateDelay, me); util.saveViewportOffsetT = $.throttle(function () { saveViewportOffset(OPTS); FN_VIEWPORT.onresizing(me, WINDATA); }, OPTS.saveViewportOffsetDelay, me); saveViewportOffset(OPTS); // "dom ready" fix, start lazy load. setTimeout(function () { init(me); }); return me; }; // Private helper functions function init(me) { var util = me._util; // First we create an array of elements to lazy load. me.elms = $.findAll(OPTS.root || DOC, $.selector(OPTS)); me.count = me.elms.length; // Then we bind resize and scroll events if not already binded. if (me.destroyed) { me.destroyed = false; if (OPTS.container) { $.each(OPTS.container, function (object) { $.on(object, 'scroll.' + ns, util.validateT); }); } $.on(_win, 'resize.' + ns, util.saveViewportOffsetT); $.on(_win, 'resize.' + ns, util.validateT); $.on(_win, 'scroll.' + ns, util.validateT); } // And finally, we start to lazy load. validate(me); } function validate(me) { for (var i = 0; i < me.count; i++) { var element = me.elms[i]; if (elementInView(element, me.options) || $.hasClass(element, me.options.successClass)) { me.load(element); me.elms.splice(i, 1); me.count--; i--; } } if (me.count === 0) { me.destroy(); } } function elementInView(ele, options) { var rect = $.rect(ele); if (options.container) { // Is element inside a container? var elementContainer = $.closest(ele, options.containerClass); if (elementContainer) { var containerRect = $.rect(elementContainer); // Is container in view? if (FN_VIEWPORT.isVisible(containerRect, VP)) { var top = - options.offset; var right = containerRect.right + options.offset; var bottom = containerRect.bottom + options.offset; var left = containerRect.left - options.offset; var containerRectWithOffset = { top: top > ? top :, right: right < VP.right ? right : VP.right, bottom: bottom < VP.bottom ? bottom : VP.bottom, left: left > VP.left ? left : VP.left }; // Is element in view of container? return FN_VIEWPORT.isVisible(rect, containerRectWithOffset); } else { return false; } } } return FN_VIEWPORT.isVisible(rect, VP); } // @todo merge with Bio.js. function loadElement(ele, force, options) { // If element is visible, not loaded, hidden or forced. if (!$.hasClass(ele, options.successClass) && (force || options.loadInvisible || (ele.offsetWidth > 0 && ele.offsetHeight > 0))) { // Fallback to default 'data-src'. var dataSrc = $.attr(ele, SOURCE) || $.attr(ele, options.src); if (dataSrc) { // @todo remove IS_RETINA, not implemented for Responsive image instead. var dataSrcSplitted = dataSrc.split(options.separator); var src = dataSrcSplitted[IS_RETINA && dataSrcSplitted.length > 1 ? 1 : 0]; var srcset = $.attr(ele, options.srcset); var isBg = $.isBg(ele, options); var isImage = $.equal(ele, 'img'); var parent = ele.parentNode; var isPicture = $.equal(parent, 'picture'); var ie = $.ie(ele); var fixRatio = ie && ele.currentStyle['object-fit']; // Image or background image. if (isImage || isBg) { var img = new Image(); // Using EventListener instead of onerror and onload // due to bug introduced in chrome v50. // @see!topic/chrome/p51Lk7vnP2o var onErrorHandler = function () { $.status(ele, false, options); }; var onLoadHandler = function () { // Is element an image if (isImage) { if (!isPicture) { handleSources(ele, src, srcset, fixRatio); if (fixRatio) { = 'url("' + src + '")'; } } } else { // Or background-image. fixRatio = ie; if ($.isFun($.bgUrl)) { src = $.bgUrl(ele, WINDATA); $.bg(ele, WINDATA); } else { = 'url("' + src + '")'; } } itemLoaded(ele, options); }; // Picture element. if (isPicture) { img = ele; // Image tag inside picture element wont get preloaded. $.each(parent.getElementsByTagName('source'), function (source) { handleSource(source, ATTR_SRCSET, options.srcset); }); } // Uses one method ala jQuery for auto-unregistration. $.one(img, 'error.' + ns, onErrorHandler); $.one(img, 'load.' + ns, onLoadHandler); // Preload. handleSources(img, src, srcset, fixRatio); } else { // An item with src like iframe, unity games, simpel video etc. ele.src = src; itemLoaded(ele, options); } } else { // video with child source if ($.equal(ele, 'video')) { $.each(ele.getElementsByTagName('source'), function (source) { handleSource(source, ATTR_SRC, options.src); }); ele.load(); itemLoaded(ele, options); } else { if (options.error) { options.error(ele, 'missing'); } $.addClass(ele, options.errorClass); } } } } function itemLoaded(ele, options) { $.status(ele, true, options); } // @todo merge with Bio.js. function handleSource(ele, attr, dataAttr) { var dataSrc = $.attr(ele, dataAttr); if (dataSrc) { $.attr(ele, attr, dataSrc); $.removeAttr(ele, dataAttr); } } function handleSources(ele, src, srcset, fixRatio) { if (srcset) { $.attr(ele, ATTR_SRCSET, srcset); } // Tricking IE + other oldies to fix aspect ratio due to no CSS object-fit. // Credits: @stevefenton, @primozcigler. Modified as needed as usual. // "IE9-11 & Edge don't properly scale SVG files. Adding height, width, // viewBox, and CSS rules seems to be the best workaround." // @see if (fixRatio) { $.addClass(ele, 'is-b-ie'); ele.src = 'data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D\'\'%20viewBox%3D\'0%200%20' + (ele.width || 1) + '%20' + (ele.height || 1) + '\'%2F%3E'; } else { ele.src = src; } } function saveViewportOffset(opts) { WINDATA = FN_VIEWPORT.update(opts); VP = FN_VIEWPORT.vp; } });