
 * @file
 * better_exposed_filters.js
 * Provides some client-side functionality for the Better Exposed Filters module.

(function ($, Drupal, once) {
  Drupal.behaviors.betterExposedFilters = {
    attach: function (context) {
      // Add highlight class to checked checkboxes for better theming.
      $('.bef-tree input[type=checkbox], .bef-checkboxes input[type=checkbox]')
        // Highlight newly selected checkboxes.
        .change(function () {
          _bef_highlight(this, context);
        .filter(':checked').closest('.form-item', context).addClass('highlight');

   * Helper functions

   * Adds/Removes the highlight class from the form-item div as appropriate.
  function _bef_highlight(elem, context) {
    $elem = $(elem, context);
      ? $elem.closest('.form-item', context).addClass('highlight')
      : $elem.closest('.form-item', context).removeClass('highlight');

   * Adds the data-bef-auto-submit-exclude to elements with type="text".
  Drupal.behaviors.autosubmitExcludeTextfield = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      if (!settings.better_exposed_filters?.autosubmit_exclude_textfield) {
      $(once('autosubmit-exclude-textfield', '.bef-exposed-form', context)).each(function () {
        $(this).find('*[type="text"]').attr('data-bef-auto-submit-exclude', '');

})(jQuery, Drupal, once);

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