/** * @file * bef_sliders.js * * Adds Sliders functionality to an exposed filter. */ (function ($, document, Drupal, drupalSettings, once) { Drupal.behaviors.better_exposed_filters_slider = { attach: function (context, settings) { if (drupalSettings.better_exposed_filters.slider) { $.each(drupalSettings.better_exposed_filters.slider_options, function (i, sliderOptions) { let slider; var data_selector = 'edit-' + sliderOptions.dataSelector; var direction = $('html[dir="rtl"]') ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; // Collect all possible input fields for this filter. var $inputs = $(once('slider-filter', "input[data-drupal-selector=" + data_selector + "], input[data-drupal-selector=" + data_selector + "-max], input[data-drupal-selector=" + data_selector + "-min]", context)); // This is a single-value filter. if ($inputs.length === 1) { // This is a single-value filter. var $input = $($inputs[0]); // Get the default value. We use slider min if there is no default. var defaultValue = parseFloat(($input.val() === '') ? sliderOptions.min : $input.val()); // Set the element value in case we are using the slider min. $input.val(defaultValue); // Build the HTML and settings for the slider. slider = document.createElement('div'); slider.className = 'bef-slider'; // Element must be part of the DOM tree for getComputedStyle to // return non-empty values. // @see document.body.appendChild(slider); noUiSlider.create(slider, { range: { 'min': parseFloat(sliderOptions.min), 'max': parseFloat(sliderOptions.max) }, step: parseFloat(sliderOptions.step), animate: !!sliderOptions.animate, animationDuration: parseInt(sliderOptions.animate), orientation: sliderOptions.orientation, start: [defaultValue], direction: direction, format: { // 'to' the formatted value. Receives a number. to: function (value) { return Math.trunc(Number(value)); }, // 'from' the formatted value. from: function (value) { return Math.trunc(Number(value)); } } }); // This fires every time the slider values are changed, either by a // user or by calling API methods. Additionally, it fires // immediately when bound. In most cases, this event should be more // convenient than the 'slide' event. slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values, handle) { $input.val(values[handle]); }); // This fires every time a slider stops changing, including after // calls to the .set() method. This event can be considered as the // 'end of slide'. slider.noUiSlider.on('set', function () { // Click the auto submit button. $(slider).parents('form').find('[data-bef-auto-submit-click]').click(); }); $input.after(slider); // Update the slider when the field is updated. $input.blur(function () { befUpdateSlider($(this), null, slider); }); } else if ($inputs.length === 2) { // This is an in-between or not-in-between filter. Use a range // filter and tie the min and max into the two input elements. var $min = $($inputs[0]), $max = $($inputs[1]), // Get the default values. We use slider min & max if there are // no defaults. defaultMin = parseFloat(($min.val() === '') ? sliderOptions.min : $min.val()), defaultMax = parseFloat(($max.val() === '') ? sliderOptions.max : $max.val()); // Set the element value in case we are using the slider min & max. $min.val(defaultMin); $max.val(defaultMax); slider = document.createElement('div'); slider.className = 'bef-slider'; // Element must be part of the DOM tree for getComputedStyle to // return non-empty values. // @see document.body.appendChild(slider); noUiSlider.create(slider, { range: { 'min': parseFloat(sliderOptions.min), 'max': parseFloat(sliderOptions.max) }, step: parseFloat(sliderOptions.step), animate: !!sliderOptions.animate, animationDuration: parseInt(sliderOptions.animate), orientation: sliderOptions.orientation, start: [defaultMin, defaultMax], connect: true, direction: direction, format: { // 'to' the formatted value. Receives a number. to: function (value) { return Math.trunc(Number(value)); }, // 'from' the formatted value. from: function (value) { return Math.trunc(Number(value)); } } }); // Update the textfields as the sliders are moved. slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values) { $min.val(values[0]); $max.val(values[1]); }); // This fires every time a slider stops changing, including after // calls to the .set() method. This event can be considered as the // 'end of slide'. slider.noUiSlider.on('set', function () { // Click the auto submit button. $(slider).parents('form').find('[data-bef-auto-submit-click]').click(); }); $min.after(slider); // Update the slider when the fields are updated. $min.blur(function () { befUpdateSlider($(this), 0, slider); }); $max.blur(function () { befUpdateSlider($(this), 0, slider); }); } }); } } }; /** * Update a slider when a related input element is changed. * * We don't need to check whether the new value is valid based on slider min, * max, and step because the slider will do that automatically, and then we * update the textfield on the slider's change event. * * We still have to make sure that the min & max values of a range slider * don't pass each other though, however once this jQuery UI bug is fixed we * won't have to. * * @see: * * @param $el * A jQuery object of the updated element. * @param valIndex * The index of the value for a range slider or null for a non-range slider. * @param slider * The current slider. */ function befUpdateSlider($el, valIndex, slider) { var val = parseFloat($el.val()), currentMin = slider.noUiSlider.get(true)[0], currentMax = slider.noUiSlider.get(true)[1]; // If we have a range slider. if (valIndex != null) { // Make sure the min is not more than the current max value. if (valIndex === 0 && val > currentMax) { val = currentMax; } // Make sure the max is not more than the current max value. if (valIndex === 1 && val < currentMin) { val = currentMin; } // If the number is invalid, go back to the last value. if (isNaN(val)) { val = slider.noUiSlider.get(true)[valIndex]; } } else { // If the number is invalid, go back to the last value. if (isNaN(val)) { val = slider.noUiSlider.get(true); } } // Make sure we are a number again. val = parseFloat(val, 10); // Set the slider to the new value. // The slider's change event will then update the textfield again so that // they both have the same value. if (valIndex != null) { slider.noUiSlider.setHandle(valIndex, val); } else { slider.noUiSlider.set(val); } } })(jQuery, this.document, Drupal, drupalSettings, once);