<?php namespace Drupal\bee_webform\Element; use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType; use Drupal\webform\Element\WebformCompositeBase; use RRule\RRule; /** * BEE reservation form. * * @FormElement("webform_bee_reservation_form") */ class WebformBeeReservationForm extends WebformCompositeBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getCompositeElements(array $element) { $elements = []; if (isset($element['#content_types'])) { $bookable_type = FALSE; $content_type_options = []; foreach (array_filter($element['#content_types']) as $node_type) { $node_type = NodeType::load($node_type); $content_type_options[$node_type->id()] = $node_type->label(); assert($node_type instanceof NodeType); $bee_settings = $node_type->getThirdPartySetting('bee', 'bee'); if (isset($bee_settings['bookable_type'])) { $bookable_type = $bee_settings['bookable_type']; } } if ($content_type_options) { $elements['start_date'] = [ '#type' => ($bookable_type == 'daily') ? 'date' : 'datetime', '#title' => t('Start date'), ]; $elements['end_date'] = [ '#type' => ($bookable_type == 'daily') ? 'date' : 'datetime', '#title' => t('End date'), ]; if ($element['#collect_capacity']) { $elements['capacity'] = [ '#type' => 'number', '#title' => t('Capacity'), ]; } $elements['repeat'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('This booking repeats'), '#prefix' => '<div class="form-row">', ]; $elements['repeat_frequency'] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Repeat frequency'), '#options' => [ 'daily' => t('Daily'), 'weekly' => t('Weekly'), 'monthly' => t('Monthly'), ], '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ ':input[name="bee[repeat]"]' => ['checked' => TRUE], ], ], ]; $elements['repeat_until'] = [ '#type' => 'date', '#title' => t('Repeat until'), '#states' => [ 'visible' => [ ':input[name="bee[repeat]"]' => ['checked' => TRUE], ], ], '#suffix' => '</div>', ]; $elements['check_available_nodes'] = [ '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Check for available nodes'), '#prefix' => '<div>', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#submit' => [get_called_class(), 'ajaxCallback'], '#limit_validation_errors' => [ [$element['#parents'][0]], ], '#ajax' => [ 'callback' => [get_called_class(), 'ajaxCallback'], 'wrapper' => 'bee-node-wrapper', ], ]; $elements['node'] = [ '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Node'), '#options' => [], '#prefix' => '<div id="bee-node-wrapper">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#disabled' => TRUE, '#empty_option' => '', ]; $elements['#attached']['library'][] = 'bee/bee_form'; } } return $elements; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function validateWebformComposite(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form) { $key = $element['#parents'][0]; $triggeringElement = $form_state->getTriggeringElement(); $value = NestedArray::getValue($form_state->getValues(), $element['#parents']); $capacity = (isset($value['capacity'])) ? $value['capacity'] : 1; if ($triggeringElement['#parents'][0] == 'submit') { if (!$value['node']) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][node', t('Select a Node before submitting')); } if ($value['node'] && $value['start_date'] && $value['end_date']) { $units = bee_webform_get_available_units($value); $available_units = count($units); if ($available_units < $capacity) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][node', t('Unfortunately, not enough units of this type are available')); } } } elseif ($triggeringElement['#parents'][0] == $key) { if (!$value['start_date']) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][start_date', t('Enter a value for the Start date field')); } if (!$value['end_date']) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][end_date', t('Enter a value for the End date field')); } if (isset($value['capacity']) && !$value['capacity']) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][capacity', t('Enter a value for the Capacity field')); } if ($value['repeat']) { if (!$value['repeat_frequency']) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][repeat_frequency', t('Enter a value for the Repeat frequency field')); } if (!$value['repeat_until']) { $form_state->setErrorByName($key . '][repeat_until', t('Enter a value for the Repeat until field')); } } } } /** * A method for ajax callback. */ public static function ajaxCallback($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $element = $form_state->getTriggeringElement(); $key = $element['#parents'][0]; $values = $form_state->getValue($key); if (!empty($values['start_date']) && !empty($values['end_date']) && (!isset($values['capacity']) || (isset($values['capacity']) && !empty($values['capacity'])))) { $content_types = array_filter($form['elements'][$key]['#content_types']); $capacity = (isset($values['capacity'])) ? $values['capacity'] : 1; $start_date = new \DateTime($values['start_date']); $end_date = new \DateTime($values['end_date']); $end_date->sub(new \DateInterval('PT1M')); $repeat = $values['repeat']; $repeat_until = $values['repeat_until']; $repeat_frequency = $values['repeat_frequency']; $node_options = self::getAvailableNodes($content_types, $start_date, $end_date, $capacity, $repeat, $repeat_until, $repeat_frequency); if (empty($node_options)) { \Drupal::messenger()->addError('There are no available nodes for the selected date/time(s). Please change your selections and try again.'); $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#options'] = []; $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#attributes'] = [ 'disabled' => TRUE, ]; } else { $node_options = ['' => t('- Select -')] + $node_options; $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#options'] = $node_options; } } else { $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#options'] = []; $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#attributes'] = [ 'disabled' => TRUE, ]; } $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#prefix'] = '<div id="bee-node-wrapper">'; $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#suffix'] = '</div>'; $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']['#name'] = $key . '[node]'; return $form['elements'][$key]['#webform_composite_elements']['node']; } /** * A method to get Available nodes. */ private static function getAvailableNodes($content_types, $start_date, $end_date, $capacity, $repeat, $repeat_until, $repeat_frequency) { $node_options = []; $node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node'); $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node') ->condition('type', array_keys($content_types), 'IN'); $nids = $query->execute(); foreach ($node_storage->loadMultiple($nids) as $node) { $node_type = NodeType::load($node->bundle()); assert($node_type instanceof NodeType); $bee_settings = $node_type->getThirdPartySetting('bee', 'bee'); $drupal_units = []; foreach ($node->get('field_availability_' . $bee_settings['bookable_type']) as $unit) { $drupal_units[$unit->entity->id()] = $unit->entity; } if ($repeat) { $rrule = new RRule([ 'FREQ' => strtoupper($repeat_frequency), 'UNTIL' => $repeat_until . 'T235959Z', 'DTSTART' => $start_date, ]); foreach ($rrule as $occurrence) { $start = clone($occurrence); $end = clone($occurrence); if ($bee_settings['bookable_type'] == 'daily') { $end->add($start_date->diff($end_date)); } else { $start->setTime($start_date->format('H'), $start_date->format('i')); $end->setTime($start_date->format('H'), $start_date->format('i')); $end->add($start_date->diff($end_date)); } if ($bee_settings['bookable_type'] == 'daily') { $available_units_ids = bat_event_get_matching_units($start, $end, ['bee_daily_available'], [$bee_settings['type_id']], 'availability_daily', FALSE, $drupal_units); } else { $available_units_ids = bat_event_get_matching_units($start, $end, ['bee_hourly_available'], [$bee_settings['type_id']], 'availability_hourly', FALSE, $drupal_units); } if (count($available_units_ids) < $capacity) { continue 2; } $node_options[$node->id()] = $node->label(); } } else { if ($bee_settings['bookable_type'] == 'daily') { $available_units_ids = bat_event_get_matching_units($start_date, $end_date, ['bee_daily_available'], [$bee_settings['type_id']], 'availability_daily', FALSE, $drupal_units); } else { $available_units_ids = bat_event_get_matching_units($start_date, $end_date, ['bee_hourly_available'], [$bee_settings['type_id']], 'availability_hourly', FALSE, $drupal_units); } if (count($available_units_ids) >= $capacity) { $node_options[$node->id()] = $node->label(); } } } return $node_options; } }