/** * @file * Audiofield build WordPress audio player. */ (($, Drupal, once) => { 'use strict'; Drupal.AudiofieldWordpress = {}; /** * Generate a wordpress player. * * @param {jQuery} context * The Drupal context for which we are finding and generating this player. * @param {array} file * The audio file for which we are generating a player. * @param {jQuery} settings * The Drupal settings for this player. */ Drupal.AudiofieldWordpress.generate = (context, file, settings) => { let autostartSetting = 'no'; if (!!settings.autoplay) { autostartSetting = 'yes'; } const elements = once('generate-waveform', '#wordpressaudioplayer_' + file.unique_id, context); $.each(elements, (index, item) => { AudioPlayer.embed($(item).attr('id'), { soundFile: file.file, titles: file.title, autostart: autostartSetting, loop: 'no', initialvolume: settings.volume, checkpolicy: 'yes', animation: settings.animate, }); }); }; /** * Attach the behaviors to generate the audio player. * * @type {Drupal~behavior} * * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach * Attaches generation of Wordpress audio players. */ Drupal.behaviors.audiofieldwordpress = { attach: function buildWordpressPlayers(context, settings) { $.each(settings.audiofieldwordpress, (key, settingEntry) => { // Initialize the audioplayer. AudioPlayer.setup('/libraries/wordpress-audio/player.swf', { width: 400, initialvolume: settingEntry.volume, transparentpagebg: 'yes', }); // Loop over the files. $.each(settingEntry.files, (key2, fileEntry) => { // Generate the player for each file. Drupal.AudiofieldWordpress.generate(context, fileEntry, settingEntry); }); }); }, }; })(jQuery, Drupal, once);