<?php /** * @file */ use Drupal\Core\Asset\CssOptimizer; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Environment; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface; use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface; /** * This is basically a copy from Color module, with added CSS processing to * remove all comments including the sourceMapURL which causes 404 errors. * * @param $form * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state */ function at_color_scheme_form_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Avoid color settings spilling over to theme settings. $color_settings = ['theme', 'palette', 'scheme']; if ($form_state->hasValue('info')) { $color_settings[] = 'info'; } foreach ($color_settings as $setting_name) { ${$setting_name} = $form_state->getValue($setting_name); $form_state->unsetValue($setting_name); } if (!isset($info)) { return; } $config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('color.theme.' . $theme); // Resolve palette. if ($scheme != '') { foreach ($palette as $key => $color) { if (isset($info['schemes'][$scheme]['colors'][$key])) { $palette[$key] = $info['schemes'][$scheme]['colors'][$key]; } } $palette += $info['schemes']['default']['colors']; } // Make sure enough memory is available. if (isset($info['base_image'])) { // Fetch source image dimensions. $source = \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->getPath($theme) . '/' . $info['base_image']; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($source); // We need at least a copy of the source and a target buffer of the same // size (both at 32bpp). $required = $width * $height * 8; // We intend to prevent color scheme changes if there isn't enough memory // available. memory_get_usage(TRUE) returns a more accurate number than // memory_get_usage(), therefore we won't inadvertently reject a color // scheme change based on a faulty memory calculation. $usage = memory_get_usage(TRUE); $memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit'); $size = Bytes::toNumber($memory_limit); if (!Environment::checkMemoryLimit($usage + $required, $memory_limit)) { \Drupal::messenger()->addMessage(t('There is not enough memory available to PHP to change this theme\'s color scheme. You need at least %size more. Check the <a href=":php_url">PHP documentation</a> for more information.', [':php_url' => '', '%size' => \Drupal\Component\Utility\DeprecationHelper::backwardsCompatibleCall(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.2.0', fn() => \\Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\ByteSizeMarkup::create($usage + $required - $size), fn() => format_size($usage + $required - $size))]), 'error'); return; } } // Delete old files. $files = $config->get('files'); if (isset($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { \Drupal::service('file_system')->unlink($file); } } if (isset($file) && $file = dirname($file)) { \Drupal::service('file_system')->rmdir($file); } // No change in color config, use the standard theme from if (implode(',', color_get_palette($theme, TRUE)) == implode(',', $palette)) { $config->delete(); return; } // Prepare target locations for generated files. $id = $theme . '-' . substr(hash('sha256', serialize($palette) . microtime()), 0, 8); $paths['color'] = 'public://color'; $paths['target'] = $paths['color'] . '/' . $id; foreach ($paths as $path) { /*file_prepare_directory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);*/ // \Drupal::service('file_system')->prepareDirectory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); \Drupal::service('file_system')->prepareDirectory($path, FileSystemInterface::CREATE_DIRECTORY); } $paths['target'] = $paths['target'] . '/'; $paths['id'] = $id; $paths['source'] = \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->getPath($theme); $paths['files'] = $paths['map'] = []; // Save palette and logo location. $config ->set('palette', $palette) ->set('logo', $paths['target'] . 'logo.svg') ->save(); // Copy over neutral images. foreach ($info['copy'] as $file) { $base = \Drupal::service('file_system')->basename($file); $source = $paths['source'] . $file; /*$filepath = file_unmanaged_copy($source, $paths['target'] . $base);*/ $filepath = \Drupal::service('file_system')->copy($source, $paths['target'] . $base); $paths['map'][$file] = $base; $paths['files'][] = $filepath; } // Render new images, if image has been provided. if (isset($info['base_image'])) { _color_render_images($theme, $info, $paths, $palette); } // Rewrite theme stylesheets. $css = []; foreach ($info['css'] as $stylesheet) { // Build a temporary array with CSS files. $files = []; if (file_exists($paths['source'] . $stylesheet)) { $files[] = $stylesheet; } foreach ($files as $file) { $css_optimizer = new CssOptimizer(); // Aggregate @imports recursively for each configured top level CSS file // without optimization. Aggregation and optimization will be // handled by drupal_build_css_cache() only. $style = $css_optimizer->loadFile($paths['source'] . $file, FALSE); // Return the path to where this CSS file originated from, stripping // off the name of the file at the end of the path. $css_optimizer->rewriteFileURIBasePath = base_path() . dirname($paths['source'] . $file) . '/'; // processCss is a protected method so we can' call it here, instead I've // nicked some bits out of it to remove comments/sourceMapURL etc. // Strip all comment including source maps which cause 404 errors. $comment = '/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/'; // Regexp to match double quoted strings. $double_quot = '"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"'; // Regexp to match single quoted strings. $single_quot = "'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'"; // Strip all comment blocks, but keep double/single quoted strings. $style = preg_replace( "<($double_quot|$single_quot)|$comment>Ss", "$1", $style ); // Prefix all paths within this CSS file, ignoring absolute paths. $style = preg_replace_callback('/url\([\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\)/i', [$css_optimizer, 'rewriteFileURI'], $style); // Rewrite stylesheet with new colors. $style = _color_rewrite_stylesheet($theme, $info, $paths, $palette, $style); $base_file = \Drupal::service('file_system')->basename($file); $css[] = $paths['target'] . $base_file; _color_save_stylesheet($paths['target'] . $base_file, $style, $paths); } } $scheme_name = ''; if (array_key_exists($scheme, $info['schemes'])) { $scheme_name = $info['schemes'][$scheme]['title']; } // Maintain list of files. $config ->set('stylesheets', $css) ->set('files', $paths['files']) ->save(); \Drupal::messenger()->addMessage(t('Color scheme <i>@scheme</i> saved.', ['@scheme' => $scheme_name]), 'status'); } /** * Logs a notice of the custom color settings. * * If a custom color scheme has been created in the UI it is injected into the * schemes array and saved. You must rename the Custom scheme and give it a * unique array key before using the generated file in your theme. * * Note that color module validates the input of the color form and this is not * run if there is a problem, e.g. the user inputting non hexadecimal CSS color * strings, which color module validates to avoid XSS. * * @param $form * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state */ function at_core_log_color_scheme($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $build_info = $form_state->getBuildInfo(); $values = $form_state->getValues(); $theme = $build_info['args'][0]; $palette = $values['palette']; $indent = str_pad(' ', 6); $lines = explode("\n", var_export($palette, TRUE)); $message = " 'PaletteName' => array(\n"; $message .= $indent . "'title' => t('PaletteName'),\n"; $message .= $indent . "'colors' => array(\n"; $last_line = $indent . array_pop($lines) . ','; $message_scss = ''; array_shift($lines); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strpos($line, ' => ') !== FALSE) { $parts = explode(' => ', $line); $message .= $indent . $parts[0] . str_pad(' ', (52 - strlen($line))) . '=> ' . $parts[1]; } else { $message .= "$indent $line"; } $message .= "\n"; } foreach ($lines as $line) { if (strpos($line, ' => ') !== FALSE) { $parts = explode(' => ', $line); $part_0 = trim(str_replace("'", "", $parts[0])); $part_1 = trim(str_replace(",", ";", $parts[1])); $message_scss .= "$" . $part_0 . str_pad(' ', (52 - strlen($line))) . " : " . str_replace("'", "", $part_1) . "\n"; } } $message .= "$last_line\n"; $message .= " ),\n"; $message = '<pre>' . $message . "\n\n" . $message_scss . '</pre>'; \Drupal::logger($theme)->notice($message); // Hopefully this goes away if this ever lands, // I'm not holding my breath. drupal_flush_all_caches(); $obi_wan_quotes = [ "You'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.", "Only imperial storm troopers are so precise.", "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.", "These aren't the droids you're looking for.", "I felt a great disturbance in the Force.", "Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes.", "It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground.", "He will learn patience.", "Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?", "You can't win, Darth.", "Use the Force, Luke.", "May the force be with you.", ]; $obi_k = array_rand($obi_wan_quotes); $obi_wan = $obi_wan_quotes[$obi_k]; \Drupal::messenger()->addMessage(t('Color scheme logged. Cache cleared. <p>Obi Wan says... <em>"@obiwan"</em></p>', ['@obiwan' => $obi_wan]), 'status'); }