<?php /** * @file * Generate settings for Legacy Browsers. */ $form['legacy-browsers'] = [ '#type' => 'details', '#title' => t('Legacy Browsers'), '#group' => 'extension_settings', ]; // Support legacy browsers // ----------------------------------------------------------------------. $form['legacy-browsers']['legacy-browser-polyfills'] = [ '#type' => 'container', '#markup' => t('<p>By checking this setting poly-fills will be loaded for IE8 and below:</p> <dl> <dt><b>html5shiv.js:</b></dt><dd>To support HTML5 elements.</dd> <dt><b>Respond.js:</b></dt><dd>To support media queries.</dd> <dt><b>Selectivrz + YUI3*:</b></dt><dd>To support CSS3.</dd> </dl> <p>* Selectivrz runs better on YUI3 and Drupal uses jQuery 2 which does not support IE8.</p><p>Without this setting IE8 will display in one column and some styling will fail. The advice is to NOT turn this on, it loads a lot of JavaScript for IE8 and below, it may be better to simply allow those browsers to fail a bit, rather than throwing a huge chunk of JS at them.</p>'), ]; // Show page suggestions. $form['legacy-browsers']['legacy-browser-polyfills']['settings_legacy_browser_polyfills'] = [ '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Loads poly-fills to support IE8'), '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('settings.legacy_browser_polyfills', $theme), ];